[Insight-users] deformable registration 3D

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 13:00:20 -0400

Hi Christoph,

Did you changed the Dimension from 2 to 3
in the .cxx file and recompiled  ?

The error message is sayikng that the
image filename was not found.

You are writing a relative path in the
specification of the input Moving and
Fixed image files.

Could you please try with an absolute
path ?

Please let us know if that works or not.



Christoph Albrecht wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried to use the example "deformableregistration1" for a 3D problem instead of the given 2D problem.
> The result was always 2D, the first slice of my ANALYZE data registered.
> In an old post I found this problem solved by adding a third 1 to the "scaling at lowest level of pyramid", but this leads to the error message:
> %---------------------------------------------------
> Exception caught during reference file reading
> itk::ImageFileReaderException (010DFB2C)
> Location: "Unknown"
> File: ......\IO\itkImageFileReader.txx
> Line: 91
> Description: FileName must be specified
> %----------------------------------------------------
> My configuration file looks like the following, I have only changed the dimensions, the file names and the third 1:
> % ---------------------------------------------------------
> 1 % Number of levels in the multi-res pyramid (1 = single-res)
> 1 % Highest level to use in the pyramid
>  1 1 1    % Scaling at lowest level of pyramid
>  4  % Number of pixels per element
>  1.e4         % Elasticity (E)
>  1.e4         % Density x capacity (RhoC)
>  1  % Image energy scaling (gamma) - sets gradient step size
>  2  % NumberOfIntegrationPoints
>  1    % WidthOfMetricRegion
>  20  % MaximumIterations
> 0 0.99  % Similarity metric (0=mean sq, 1 = ncc, 2=pattern int, 3=MI, 5=demons)
> 1.0 % Alpha
> 0 % DescentDirection (1 = max, 0 = min)
> 0 % DoLineSearch (0=never, 1=always, 2=if needed)
> 1.e1 % TimeStep
> 0.5     % Landmark variance
> 0       % Employ regridding / enforce diffeomorphism ( >= 1 -> true)
> 512 % Nx (image x dimension)
> 512 % Ny (image y dimension)
> 24   % Nz (image z dimension - not used if 2D)
> ./___FEM/000000310000001x01.hdr  % ReferenceFileName 
> ./___FEM/000000310000001x02.hdr  % TargetFileName
> 0 % UseLandmarks? - read the file name below if this is true
> - % LandmarkFileName
> ./___FEM/RatLung_result                       % ResultsFileName (prefix only)
> 1       % WriteDisplacementField?
> ./___FEM/RatLung_disp                         % DisplacementsFileName (prefix only)
> 0       % ReadMeshFile?
> -                                      % MeshFileName
> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I would be glad if somebody could help me with this.
> Many thanks
>    Christoph Albrecht
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