[Insight-users] out of the boundary of the solution in MRIRegistration
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 10:40:24 -0400
Hi Xujf,
Thanks for the additional details.
You are using a 3D translation Transform.
This transforms has only three parameters.
They are the X,Y and Z components of the translation.
You are trying to squeeze a poor and innocent parameter
vector of size=3, in order to get 6 parameter out of it.
No wonder it is complaining ! :-)
Maybe you intended to use the QuaternionRigidTransform,
or the VersorRigid3DTransform....
Please read the section on Transforms in the SoftwareGuide.
Section 8.7, pdf-page 294.
In particular pay attention to the number an type
of parameters used by each transform in ITK.
xujf wrote:
> Hi,Luis:
> thanks for your help.
> these are part of my code:
> registration = itk.itkImageRegistrationMethodF3F3_New()
> imageMetric =itk.itkMutualInformationImageToImageMetricF3F3_New()
> ---> transform = itk.itkTranslationTransform3_New()
> optimizer = itk.itkRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer_New()
> interpolator = itk.itkLinearInterpolateImageFunctionF3D_New()
> if these are what you want to know?
> xujf
> Hi Xujf,
> Your email is lacking some vital information...
> What type of Transform are you using ?
> Please let us know.
> Thanks
> Luis
> ------------------
> xujf wrote:
>> I imitate the example in InsightApplications\\MRIRegistration,and convert it to python.
>>however,one thing makes me puzzled.
>> my code below is almost the same as the example.In order to get the size of the solution,
>>I write the sentence in line 2. the result of solution.GetSize() is 3. if so ,the sentence in
>>line 10 ("solution.GetElement(4)") maybe out of the boundary of the solution.(same problem in
>>solution = registration.GetLastTransformParameters()
>>print solution.GetSize() # ##################### line 2
>>mat = quat.rotation_matrix_transpose()
>>result.append(solution.GetElement(4)) ###########line 10
>>result.append(solution.GetElement(5)) ########## line 15
>>result.append(solution.GetElement(6)) ########## line 19
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