[Insight-users] to divide images

Zachary Pincus zpincus at stanford.edu
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 10:53:18 -0700

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I've modified the itk::ConnectedComponentImageFilter to return a vector 
of "submasks" -- that is, images corresponding to each connected blob. 
If you want to know where the image belonged in the original, the index 
of the region of the returned image will tell you where that sub-mask 
came from in the original. This code is attached.

This code is NOT in ITK form -- it's not a filter, or even a class of 
any kind. Just a hunk of procedural code. If people want, I could try 
to make it into an ImageToImage filter subclass for submission to ITK. 
Is this something that would be valuable to others? Let me know.

Zach Pincus

Department of Biochemistry and Program in Biomedical Informatics
Stanford University School of Medicine

PS. I also wrote some code that takes a binary mask and extracts the 
region of an image corresponding to the mask (even if the mask is 
smaller than the image), optionally rotating it to the principal axes 
of the mask. Let me know if you want this too.

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/* GetConnectedMasks.h :: Zachary Pincus 3/31/2004
 * ----------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _GetConnectedMasks_h_
#define _GetConnectedMasks_h_

#include <vector>

namespace CellExplorer { namespace CellExtractor {
	template<class TImage> void GetMasks(typename TImage::Pointer maskImage,
		std::vector<typename TImage::Pointer > &submasks, bool fullyConnected = false);

}} // end of namespaces

#include "GetConnectedMasks.txx"
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#ifndef _GetConnectedMasks_txx_
#define _GetConnectedMasks_txx_

#include "GetConnectedMasks.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "itkSmartPointer.h"
#include "itkConnectedComponentImageFilter.h"
#include "itkImageRegionIterator.h"
#include "itkImageRegionConstIterator.h"
#include "itkNumericTraits.h"
#include "itkEquivalencyTable.h"
#include "itkConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator.h"
#include "itkConstantBoundaryCondition.h"

namespace CellExplorer { namespace CellExtractor {

template<class TImage> void GetMasks(typename TImage::Pointer maskImage,
		std::vector<typename TImage::Pointer > &submasks, bool fullyConnected) {
	typedef TImage ImageType;
	typedef typename ImageType::PixelType PixelType;
	typedef typename ImageType::SizeType SizeType;
	typedef typename ImageType::IndexType IndexType;
	typedef typename ImageType::RegionType RegionType;
	typedef unsigned short LabelPixelType;
	typedef itk::Image<LabelPixelType, 2> LabelImageType;
	RegionType masterRegion = maskImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
	// create an image to hold component labels
	LabelImageType::Pointer labelImage = LabelImageType::New();
	// create an equivalency table
	itk::EquivalencyTable::Pointer eqTable = itk::EquivalencyTable::New();

	LabelPixelType label, originalLabel, neighborLabel;
	LabelPixelType maxLabel = itk::NumericTraits<LabelPixelType>::Zero;
	const LabelPixelType maxPossibleLabel = itk::NumericTraits<LabelPixelType>::max();

	// Set up the boundary condition to be zero padded (used on label image)
	itk::ConstantBoundaryCondition<LabelImageType> BC;

	// Neighborhood iterator.	 Let's use a shaped neighborhood so we can
	// restrict the access to face connected neighbors. This iterator
	// will be applied to the output image
	typedef itk::ConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator<LabelImageType> NeighborhoodIteratorType;
	SizeType kernelRadius;
	NeighborhoodIteratorType nit;
	nit	 = NeighborhoodIteratorType(kernelRadius, labelImage, masterRegion);
	nit.OverrideBoundaryCondition(&BC); // assign the boundary condition

	// only activate the indices that are "previous" to the current
	// pixel and face connected (exclude the center pixel from the
	// neighborhood)
	unsigned int d;
	NeighborhoodIteratorType::OffsetType offset;

	if (!fullyConnected){
		// only activate the "previous" neighbors that are face connected
		// to the current pixel. do not include the center pixel
		for (d=0; d < ImageType::ImageDimension; ++d){
			offset[d] = -1;
			offset[d] = 0;
	} else {
		// activate all "previous" neighbors that are face+edge+vertex
		// connected to the current pixel. do not include the center pixel
		unsigned int centerIndex = nit.GetCenterNeighborhoodIndex();
		for (d=0; d < centerIndex; d++) {
			offset = nit.GetOffset(d);

	// along with a neighborhood iterator on the input, use a standard
	// iterator on the input and output
	itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<ImageType> it;
	itk::ImageRegionIterator<LabelImageType> oit;
	it = itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<ImageType>(maskImage, masterRegion);
	oit = itk::ImageRegionIterator<LabelImageType>(labelImage, masterRegion);
	// Mark the output image as either background or unlabeled
	while (!it.IsAtEnd()) {
		if (it.Get() != itk::NumericTraits<PixelType>::Zero) {
			// mark pixel as unlabeled

	// iterate over the image, labeling the objects and defining
	// equivalence classes.	 Use the neighborhood iterator to access the
	// "previous" neighbor pixels and an output iterator to access the
	// current pixel
	while ( !oit.IsAtEnd() ) {
		// Get the current pixel label
		label = oit.Get();
		originalLabel = label;
		// If the pixel is not background
		if (label != itk::NumericTraits<LabelPixelType>::Zero) {
			// loop over the "previous" neighbors to find labels. this loop
			// may establish one or more new equivalence classes
			typename NeighborhoodIteratorType::ConstIterator sIt;
			for (sIt = nit.Begin(); !sIt.IsAtEnd(); ++sIt) {
				// get the label of the pixel previous to this one along a
				// particular dimension (neighbors activated in neighborhood iterator)
				neighborLabel = sIt.Get();

				// if the previous pixel has a label, verify equivalence or
				// establish a new equivalence
				if (neighborLabel != itk::NumericTraits<LabelPixelType>::Zero) {
					// if current pixel is unlabeled, copy the label from neighbor
					if (label == maxPossibleLabel) {
						// copy the label from the previous pixel
						label = neighborLabel;
					// else if current pixel has a label that is not already
					// equivalent to the label of the previous pixel, then setup
					// a new equivalence.	 note the use of Lookup() and not
					// RecursiveLookup(). this is possible since we keep the
					// equivalence table flat.
					else if ((label != neighborLabel)
								&& (eqTable->Lookup(label) != eqTable->Lookup(neighborLabel))) {
						eqTable->Add(label, neighborLabel);

						// if we keep the equivalency table up to date, then we
						// can use straight calls to Lookup() instead of
						// RecursiveLookUp().	 This works out to be 3X faster.

			// if none of the "previous" neighbors were set, then make a new label
			if (originalLabel == label) {
				// create a new entry label
				if (maxLabel == maxPossibleLabel) {
					std::cerr << "Number of labels exceeds number of available labels for the output type." <<std::endl;
				} else {

				// assign the new label
				label = maxLabel;

			// Finally, set the output pixel to whatever label we have
			if (label != originalLabel)
				oit.Set( label );

		// move the iterators

	// Flatten the equavalency table

	// remap the labels and add the indices of each labeled point to a
	// vector that corresponds to each label
	typedef std::map<LabelPixelType, std::vector<IndexType> > BlobTableType;
	BlobTableType blobTable;

	typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex<LabelImageType> IndexItType;
	IndexItType labelIt(labelImage, masterRegion);

	for(labelIt.GoToBegin(); !labelIt.IsAtEnd(); ++labelIt) {
		label = labelIt.Get();
		// if pixel has a label, write out the final equivalence
		if (label != itk::NumericTraits<LabelPixelType>::Zero) {
			LabelPixelType flatLabel = eqTable->Lookup(label);
			// this is tricky: if gets the vector associated with a given label
			// and IF the vector doesn't exist, the [] operator creates a new one!
			// Might be able to make this run faster by using an insert method that
			// hints where in the map we insert. (always the end!)
	// Now, iterate through the vectors and create a small image from each
	for(typename BlobTableType::iterator btIt = blobTable.begin(); 
		btIt != blobTable.end(); ++btIt) {
		std::vector<IndexType> indices = (*btIt).second;
		// first compute the bounding box of the indices in each vector
		// (technically this step could be folded into the act of filling the vectors above)		
		typedef typename IndexType::IndexValueType IVType;
		IVType xMin = itk::NumericTraits<IVType>::max();
		IVType yMin = itk::NumericTraits<IVType>::max();
		IVType xMax = itk::NumericTraits<IVType>::min();
		IVType yMax = itk::NumericTraits<IVType>::min();
		for(typename std::vector<IndexType>::const_iterator idxIt = indices.begin(); 
			idxIt != indices.end(); ++idxIt) {
				IndexType idx = *idxIt;
				if (idx[0] < xMin) xMin = idx[0];
				if (idx[0] > xMax) xMax = idx[0];
				if (idx[1] < yMin) yMin = idx[1];
				if (idx[1] > yMax) yMax = idx[1];
		// now create an image and put "one" values in every index listed in the vector
		SizeType size = {xMax - xMin + 1, yMax - yMin + 1};
		IndexType start = {xMin, yMin};
		RegionType region;
		typename ImageType::Pointer outputImage = ImageType::New();

		for(typename std::vector<IndexType>::const_iterator idxIt = indices.begin(); 
			idxIt != indices.end(); ++idxIt) {
				outputImage->SetPixel(*idxIt, itk::NumericTraits<PixelType>::One);
		// Finally, add that image to the vector that we are passed in.

}} // end namespaces

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On Apr 29, 2004, at 10:20 AM, David Llanos wrote:

> Hi all,
> =A0
> I am looking for classes and methods to divide a binary image in =20
> several binary images, in function of the I number of objects that the =
> original binary image has. For example, of the image binar.png, to =20
> obtain four images like uno.jpg.
> I have gotten the first requirement for this objective that is to =20
> label this objects, by means of the following code:
> ...
> I have been looking for some relabeller or labeller method=A0 (in =20
> http://www.itk.org/Insight/Doxygen/html/=20
> classitk_1_1RelabelComponentImageFilter-members.html and in =20
> http://www.itk.org/Insight/Doxygen/html/=20
> classitk_1_1ConnectedComponentImageFilter-members.html) to go keeping =20=

> the different objects of the image in pointers, either to write files =20=

> or to work with them for separate, but I have not found anything with =20=

> that that to be able to work.
> does some form exist of using these classes for my objective, or do I =20=

> have to use another class? In that case, What relabeller or labeller =20=

> method=A0 can I use to relate an object labeled with another class?
>  =A0
> Thanks inadvange and regards,
> =A0
> David.
