[Insight-users] Problems with FLTK

Pandu Jugnu supernova5271 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 7 20:14:05 EDT 2004


I am trying to configure FLTK and i am facing problems
while doing it.
I using cygwin to configure it and it keeps giving me
the error that I dont have any c, c++, gcc compiler in
my path.
I have configured InsightToolkit-1.6.0 before this
using CMAke to configure and generate and finally used
cygwin to run the make.
I am using Borland as my C/C++ compiler.
I have read the tutorial on using FLTK with ITK and
tried the export option in cygwin but it didnt help.

Can anyone tell me what am i doing wrong.
Also how can i configure FLTK using CMAKE.


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