[Insight-users] A problem about registration

曹杰 caojie8224 at 163.com
Mon Aug 9 03:21:44 EDT 2004

Dear Mr. or Ms.
     I had a problem when I carried out the 3D multi-registration using the Mattes MRI metric. First, I chose the "Versor Rigid 3D Transformation".But the 
result turned out wrong.Then I changed the transformation to "Euler 3D Transformation".The result got right .However,it iterated too many times. So I
use the CenteredTransformInitializer to make the center of mass of the two images together. Since the EulerTransformation didn't have the function to set the center of rotation, the result got wrong. Now I don't know which transformation to choose and what  to be careful of. Can you help me to figure out the problems.Thank you!

                                                           A itk user  CaoJie 

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