[Insight-users] variogram / cancel update method
Glenn Pierce
glennpierce at connectfree.co.uk
Sat Aug 28 11:06:07 EDT 2004
I would like to now submit my variogram code for inclusion.
I have included an example and a test case.
As I said before the code is quite CPU intensive, if anyone can see any
obvious optimisations I would be very interested.
Glenn Pierce
On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 09:47 -0400, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Glenn,
> The process for aborting is closely related to the Progress report
> and/or the Iteration report. When your filter is running (e.g. in
> the GenerateData() method. You should be invoking Progress events
> and/or Iteration events from time to time.
> The GUI that listens to these events should offer the user a "Cancel"
> button where she/he can click in order to stop the execution of the
> filter. The Callback of such button just need to invoke in the ITK
> filter the method:
> filter->SetAbortGenerateData(true);
> This will stop the execution of the filter.
> Note that before attempting to run the pipeline again. You must
> invoke the method ResetPipeline() since many filters will be in
> the middle of their Update() process.
> Question:
> The Variogram code that you sent, is it intended as a contribution
> to ITK, or just for the purpose of demonstrating the problem that
> your are facing ?
> Please let us know,
> Thanks
> Luis
> ---------------------------------
> Glenn Pierce wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I have developed a variogram filter that still needs a bit of tidying
> > work. I have attached it.
> >
> > This variogram is very processor intensive.
> > In the worst case O(N^2), where N is the number of pixels of an image.
> > (In reality there are optimisations I have placed in means the
> > performance is quite a bit better than this). However for large images
> > it would still be slow.
> >
> >
> > For my main project I am calling the update method of the variogram
> > filter in a separate thread, and wanted to allow users to cancel the
> > execution.
> >
> > For this reason I wondered if there is an accepted way in ITK or any
> > examples to cancel the update method or in my case tell the variogram
> > filter to stop the loop in the update method ?
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the help
> >
> > Glenn
> >
> >
> >
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Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: itkImageToVariogram.txx,v $
Language: C++
Date: $Date: 2004/05/16 19:03:40 $
Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef _itkImageToVariogram_txx
#define _itkImageToVariogram_txx
#include "itkProgressReporter.h"
#include "itkConstantBoundaryCondition.h"
namespace itk{
namespace Statistics{
template < class TImage >
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
this->semi_variance_maximum = 0;
this->background_intensity = 0;
this->has_background = false;
template < class TImage >
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
delete lagContainer;
template < class TImage >
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const
template < class TImage >
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
::SetImage(const TImage* image)
m_Image = image ;
// get spacing between data points
spacing_x = m_Image->GetSpacing()[0];
spacing_y = m_Image->GetSpacing()[1];
// Set the max lag distance to use as one quater of the image diagonal
this->max_lag = MaximumPossibleLag() / 4;
IndexType index = m_Image->ComputeIndex( this->Size() - 1 );
width = index[0];
height = index[1];
/** returns the number of pixels in this container */
template < class TImage >
inline unsigned int
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
::Size() const
return m_Image->GetPixelContainer()->Size() ;
/** returns the number of lags in this image */
template < class TImage >
unsigned int
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
long unsigned int size = this->Size();
// The sum of a arithmetrix series given by (number of terms) * (average of first and last terms)
return ((size * (size - 1)) / 2);
/** returns the maximum lag in this image */
template < class TImage >
inline int
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
// Get the distance between the first and the next
return this->CalculateLag(m_Image->ComputeIndex( 0 ), m_Image->ComputeIndex( 1 ));
/** returns the maximum lag in this image */
template < class TImage >
inline int
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
// Get the distance between the first and last pixel
return static_cast<int>(this->CalculateLag(m_Image->ComputeIndex( 0 ),
m_Image->ComputeIndex( this->Size() - 1 )));
/** Set the max lag that the variogram shall be calculated to
The default is 1/4 of the maximum lag of the image diagonal */
template < class TImage >
inline void
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
::SetMaxLag(int lag)
// Get the maximum lag distance to operate over
if(lag > 0 && lag <= this->MaximumPossibleLag())
this->max_lag = lag;
/** Set the background intensity that will be ignored */
template < class TImage >
inline void
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
::SetBackgroundIntensity(PixelType value)
this->has_background = true;
this->background_intensity = value;
template < class TImage >
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
unsigned int size = this->Size();
int lag;
lagContainer = new LagDetail[this->max_lag + 1];
// Create a progress reporter
ProgressReporter progress(this, 0, size);
ConstIteratorType mainPixelIter( m_Image, m_Image->GetRequestedRegion() );
ConstIteratorType nextPixelIter( m_Image, m_Image->GetRequestedRegion() );
IndexType nextPixelIndex;
IndexType index;
int max_x, min_x, max_y;
for ( mainPixelIter.GoToBegin(); !mainPixelIter.IsAtEnd(); ++mainPixelIter)
IndexType currentPixelIndex = mainPixelIter.GetIndex();
PixelType currentPixelValue = mainPixelIter.Get();
if( (this->has_background == true) && (currentPixelValue == this->background_intensity) )
catch( ProcessAborted & )
throw ProcessAborted(__FILE__,__LINE__);
// Calculate the maximum and minumum pixels within the max lag circle
// So we dont have to deal with all points
max_x = currentPixelIndex[0] + this->max_lag;
if(max_x > this->width)
max_x = this->width;
min_x = currentPixelIndex[0] - this->max_lag;
if(min_x < 0)
min_x = 0;
// If the next pixel is further right than the max lag chosen move on to the next line
max_y = currentPixelIndex[1] + this->max_lag;
if(max_y > this->height)
max_y = this->height;
nextPixelIter = mainPixelIter;
while (!nextPixelIter.IsAtEnd())
nextPixelIndex = nextPixelIter.GetIndex();
if( (this->has_background == true) && (nextPixelIter.Get() == this->background_intensity))
// If the next pixel is lower than the max lag chosen move on the current pixel
if( nextPixelIndex[1] > max_y )
// If the next pixel is further right than the max lag chosen move on to the next line
if( ( nextPixelIndex[0] > max_x ) )
// move to next line
index[0] = 0;
index[1] = nextPixelIndex[1] + 1;
nextPixelIndex = nextPixelIter.GetIndex();
// If the next pixel is further left than the max lag chosen move on the
// first pixel within range.
if( nextPixelIndex[0] < min_x )
// move to first pixel within reach
index[0] = min_x;
index[1] = nextPixelIndex[1];
nextPixelIndex = nextPixelIter.GetIndex();
lag = this->CalculateLag(currentPixelIndex, nextPixelIndex);
// Check the pixel is within the max lag
if (lag <= this->max_lag)
lagContainer[lag].sum_squared_diff += pow((currentPixelValue - nextPixelIter.Get()), 2);
catch( ProcessAborted & )
throw ProcessAborted(__FILE__,__LINE__);
template < class TImage >
inline double
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
::GetSemiVariance(int lag)
if (lag > 0 && lag <= max_lag)
double tmp = lagContainer[lag].sum_squared_diff / (2.0 * lagContainer[lag].count);
if(tmp > this->semi_variance_maximum)
this->semi_variance_maximum = tmp;
return tmp;
return -1.0;
template < class TImage >
inline int
ImageToVariogram< TImage >
::CalculateLag(ImageToVariogram< TImage >::IndexType index1, ImageToVariogram< TImage >::IndexType index2)
// Difference between pixels
typename ImageToVariogram< TImage >::IndexType::IndexValueType x_pixel_difference = abs(index2[0] - index1[0]);
typename ImageToVariogram< TImage >::IndexType::IndexValueType y_pixel_difference = abs(index2[1] - index1[1]);
return x_pixel_difference;
return y_pixel_difference;
// Always round up
int tmp = static_cast<int>(ceil(sqrt(pow(x_pixel_difference,2) + pow(y_pixel_difference,2))));
return tmp;
} // end of namespace Statistics
} // end of namespace itk
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