[Insight-users] A VTK question...

Marc HUERTAS Marc.HUERTAS at cmm.ensmp.fr
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 12:41:56 +0200


I know this is not the VTK mailing list but I'm not able to find any answer 
there..well I made a 3D segmentation and I got a grey-level volume with 
multiple regions.

In order to visualize it with VTK I use a vtkColorTransferFunction with 
random values to set different colors to each region but I would like to do 
the same thing with the different 2D slices of the volume (which are 
vtkactors in my application) but I can't find any colorfunction that works 
with actors. It seems that I must modifiy the actor lookuptable but I don't 
know how...

Does anyone know where can I find a solution?

