[Insight-users] ImageFileWriter not throwing exceptions

BUI XUAN Viet V.Bui-Xuan at exeter.ac.uk
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 12:14:31 -0000

Hello Luis,

As you probably have guessed, I wasn't aware of that, and it all makes
sense to me now!

Thanks very much for the explanations


> Hi Viet,
> This progress reporting was done with a simplified
> version of the MetaImage reader that was used in
> Code/IO at the time (june 2002).
> In August 2002 we start using the MetaImage library
> from the Utilities directory, just as we do with png,
> jpeg and tiff now.  In this arrangement it is no longer
> possible to invoke progress events from the readers since
> the code in /Utilities is not aware of the existence
> of ITK.
> In order to get around this we will have to modify
> the IO third party libraries to insert some sort of
> callbacks, then provide such callbacks from the
> respective ImageIO classes and translate the calls
> into InvokeEvent() calls.
> You are welcome to enter this also as a 'feature
> request' in the bug tracker. I agree with you in
> that this is a neat functionality to have. However
> it may not make it to the top of the priority list.
> Regards,
>      Luis