[Insight-users] [PATCH] FltkImageViewer physical units display

Stephen R. Aylward aylward at unc.edu
Thu Jul 15 14:32:19 EDT 2004

Great idea!

I will add them to the class today.

Thanks for your contribution!

Gavin Baker wrote:

> Hello,
> The co-ordinates of the crosshairs in FltkImageViewer curently display only
> the image index of the point selected.  I enclose a patch that adds the
> ability to display these coordinates in physical units (ie. taking into
> account the image spacing and origin).  The default behaviour remains
> unchanged, but the new display can be toggled with P, and can be recognised
> by a suffix (defaulting to "mm") appended to the numbers.  It includes an
> entry in the help text, and should conform to the local coding style.
> For your consideration... regards,
>   :: Gavin

Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Associate Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and Surgery
aylward at unc.edu
(919) 966-9695

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