[Insight-users] Re: How to run .exe in unix or windows

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Jul 26 09:34:04 EDT 2004

Hi Huss,

All of the examples in


are intended to be run from the command
line prompt.

They will not do anything interesting if
you just double-click on them from the
Windows explorer.

Your options are:

A) in Windows

    A.1) Open an MS-DOS command prompt window,
         Change directory to the place where
         the .exe is located; and type the
         executable name file directly.

    A.2) Install Cygwin
         open a shell window
         change directory to the place where
         the executable is, and type the
         executable name directly.

B) in UNIX

     open a shell window,
     change directory to the place where
     the executable is, and type the
     executable name directly.

This is a relatively basic operation. You may
want to get some background on how to use your
Windows and Unix systems, before you proceed
to use advanced libraries like ITK.



Huss wrote:
> Hello Luis,
> I have configured the HelloWorld program and created the the .exe file
> for it. I am not sure how to run this file in unix or windows to take
> a look at the output..
> Please let me know soon.
> Thank You
> Huss

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