[Insight-users] 2D deformable registration : Reading Vector Images

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Jun 9 13:24:54 EDT 2004

Hi Ping,

This bug has been fixed.

You should be able to read vector images now.



ping chen wrote:

> Hi Luis, 
> I want to know if we are able to read the deformation
> field vector image and use it to warp other images
> now?last time, we talk about reopen this bug, i wonder
> wether this bug is fixed or not? 
> Thank you
> Ping 
> --- Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>Hi Ping,
>>You are right, the Get() method is what
>>should be used to retrieve the pixel
>>It was my mistake to put (*it) in the
>>previous email.
>>Sorry about that.
>>Your test shows that the reading
>>of vector images may still have some
>>problems. We may have to reopen that
>>bug in the database...
>>    Luis
>>ping chen wrote:
>>>hi Luis,
>>>i add your code in, but it runs into such errors, 
>>>Building dependencies cmake.check_depends...
>>>Building object file fieldreader.o...
>>>/Users/Ping/Desktop/field2/fieldreader.cxx: In
>>>function `int main(int, 
>>>   char**)':
>>>no match for `* 
> /Users/Ping/Insight/Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_transpose.h:69:
>>>error: candidates
>>>   are: vnl_matrix<double> operator*(const
>>>vnl_matrix<double>&, const 
>>>   vnl_transpose&)
>>>no match for `* 
> /Users/Ping/Insight/Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_transpose.h:69:
>>>error: candidates
>>>   are: vnl_matrix<double> operator*(const
>>>vnl_matrix<double>&, const 
>>>   vnl_transpose&)
>>>the error happens where we add 
>>>  const double x = fabs( (*it)[0] );
>>>  const double y = fabs( (*it)[1] );
>>>i dont know how to use iterator to get specific
>>>values but that doesnt matter, instead i just use
>>>it.Get( ) to get all the values and save in a
>>>so below is the code i add to the original code
>>>DeformationFieldType::Pointer  fieldimage2=
>>> fieldimage2 = fieldreader1->GetOutput();
>>>double maxx = 0;
>>>double maxy = 0;
>>>           DeformationFieldType >  it(
>>>               fieldimage2->GetBufferedRegion() );
>>>while( !it.IsAtEnd() )
>>>   {
>>>//   const double x = fabs( (*it)[0] );
>>> //  const double y = fabs( (*it)[1] );
>>>//   if( x > maxx ) maxx = x ;
>>>//   if( y > maxy ) maxy = y ;
>>>  std::cout << "vector values = " << it.Get( ) <<
>>>   ++it;
>>>   }
>>>std::cout << "Max fabs X = " << maxx << std::endl;
>>>std::cout << "Max fabs Y = " << maxy << std::endl;
>>>and run the program as 
>>>./fieldreader VectorDeformationField.mhd
>>>BrainProtonDensitySliceBorder20.png try.img >>
>>>when checking the logfile, we can see the vector
>>>vaules are all zeros. 
>>>vector values = [0, 0]
>>>vector values = [0, 0]
>>>vector values = [0, 0]
>>>vector values = [0, 0]
>>>vector values = [0, 0]
>>>vector values = [0, 0]
>>>--- Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>Hi Ping,
>>>>Your code looks fine.
>>>>Note that you are applying a deformable
>>>>methods to a pair of images that are only
>>>>in their translation.
>>>>The ranges that you obtain from ParaView seems to
>>>>be ok with the expected translations: 13 in X and
>>>>in Y.
>>>>Please try the following:
>>>>After updating the reader of the deformation
>>>>add a while loop and visit all the pixels in the
>>>>vector field, and compute the max abs value of
>>>>the components.
>>>>The fact is that if you still are observing that
>>>>the warped image looks exactly the same as the
>>>>input image... that means that the vector field
>>>>is null... and there may be still some problem
>>>>when reading vector images.
>>>>Your experiment with the while loop will help
>>>>to decide the question.
>>>>The loop will look like
>>>>double maxx = 0;
>>>>double maxy = 0;
>>>>          DeformationFieldType >  it( fieldimage,
>>>>              fieldimage->GetBufferedRegion() );
>>>>while( !it.IsAtEnd() )
>>>>  {
>>>>  const double x = fabs( (*it)[0] );
>>>>  const double y = fabs( (*it)[1] );
>>>>  if( x > maxx ) maxx = x ;
>>>>  if( y > maxy ) maxy = y ;
>>>>  ++it;
>>>>  }
>>>>std::cout << "Max fabs X = " << maxx << std::endl;
>>>>std::cout << "Max fabs Y = " << maxy << std::endl;
>>>>Please let us know what you find.
>>>>   Thanks
>>>>       Luis
>>>>ping chen wrote:
>>>>>Hi Luis,
> === message truncated ===
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