[Insight-users] metaheaders

David Macias Verde dmacver at gobiernodecanarias.org
Thu, 04 Mar 2004 18:51:21 +0000

Hi all:

I'm working with the itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilter and I have
modified a little bit the original code of
itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilterTest.cxx just to test its way of doing.
I've changed the released code by adding a itkImageReader, instead of
letting the software make a proper image created by itself.

In order to check that change, I saved that proper image before doing
the code modification. So when it was done, I read that proper data from
a file and got the result, which became to be right. Like when it was

But, here it comes my trouble. As I'm working with DICOM images coming
from a portal image device installed on Linear Accelerator (radiotherapy
treatments), I moved every image into float format and stored them as
raw. Using MetaImageImporter I created the .mhd needed to be ready with
itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilterTest-modified. The result was that
nothing change in the input image at all. The output data it came to be
exactly equal to the input one.

What am I doing wrong?


David Macias Verde <david.maciasverde at gobiernodecanarias.org>
Servicio de F=EDsica M=E9dica - Hospital de Gran Canaria Dr. Negr=EDn