[Insight-users] Re: Curvature in Level Set
Sah Rayman
sahrayman at yahoo.com
Sat, 6 Mar 2004 03:25:23 -0800 (PST)
Thanks for the answering from the weekend. The reply
is very informational. I will take a look at the
reference materials.
Do you have any suggestion on how to prevent "leaks"
in level set segmentation? My object is pretty close
to a circle, but the edge is missing in some edge
My imagination was to increase the curvature weight
and the shape will be close to circles. However, it
doesn't work due to the digitized curvature nature as
you had illustrated.
I would be appreciated if there is any idea about
this. But I also have problem implement higher level
models to ITK framework.
e.g., I can collect coordinates of all zero-level-set
(edge) points, do some math here, then add some extra
speed term based on the global coordinate information.
But the problem is, in ITK, I will be given one edge
point in LevelSetFunction::ComputeUpdate() at a time,
then I have to give the result instantly. I can not
wait till I see all the points, which is necessary if
I want to add some global constraint.
Do you think there could be a work-out for this?
--- Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Sah,
> You shouldn't expect the curvature to
> be 0.0125 everywhere. That may be the
> curvature value for a circle... but..
> you *don't* have a circle.
> When you represent a circle as a binary
> object in an image you are in the DIGITAL
> WORLD. There is no such thing as a circle
> anymore, only a discrete approximation.
> If you want to be formal, your 'circle' only
> has two distinct curvature values, they are
> Zero and Infnite.
> If you zoom enough in your image, you will
> see that the circle is made out of squares,
> if you visit the circle's boundary, you will
> only find straight lines and discontinuities
> at 90 degress. The lines have zero curvature
> and the corners (discontinuities) have plus
> and minus infinite curvature. Interestingly
> enough, if you integrate those curvature
> values all around the circle you will still
> recover the expected 1/R value. This is because
> there are infinitely more places with zero
> curvature than places with infinite curvature.
> The profile of the curvature function along
> the boundary of a digital circle is a distribution
> composed of dirac deltas located on the positions
> of the corners, and zeros everywhere else.
> When you look at the circle at a higher
> scale, you do the equivalent of smoothing
> the values of curvature over the boundary.
> the higher the scale you look at, the smoother
> and more continous those values will become.
> When you estimate curvature using finite
> differences, the size of the neighborhood
> used as support for the computation imposes
> a limit to how much that curvature could be
> smoothed. You could further smooth the curvature
> by using larger neighborhood, but then the extra
> computation time will probably make the algorithm
> unusable.
> Note that your image itself is also a distribution,
> you only have weighted dirac deltas on the nodes
> of the image sampling grid, and zero values
> everywhere. That's why you need to interpolate
> in order to 'estimate' the image values in non-grid
> positions.
> ---
> You may want to look at the publications by
> A. Rosenfeld on computation of geometrical
> features from digital objects. For example:
> - "Arcs and Curves in Digital Pictures"
> - "Digital Straightness and Convexity"
> - "Digital Geometry"
> You will find interesting the online paper by
> P.J.P. Pimienta, W.C. Carter, and E.J. Garboczi,
> "Cellular Automaton Algorithm for Surface Mass
> Transport
> Due to Curvature Gradients: Simulations of
> Sintering",
> in particular the section on:
> "Local Curvature Counting Algorithms"
> http://ciks.cbt.nist.gov/~garbocz/paper28/node2.html
> and the appendix
> "Relationship between curvature and pixel counting"
> The paper by V. Kovalevsky
> "Curvature in Digital 2D Images"
> You should probably also look at the book
> "Geometry of Digital Spaces"
> by G.T. Herman.
> http://www.birkhauser.com/detail.tpl?ISBN=0817638970
> Regards,
> Luis
> -
> BTW:
> Dr. Rosenfeld passed away recently
> http://www.cfar.umd.edu/~ar/
> (February 22 2004).
> Among many other things Dr. Rosenfeld was
> a Pioneer on the application of Cellular
> Automata to the analysis of digital images.
> ------------------
> Sah Rayman wrote:
> > I think I eliminated the possibility that my code
> was
> > wrong. I did one more test using original ITK
> code.
> >
> > 1. Compile
> >
> >
> >
> > 2. Make the input image to have 2 values, one for
> > background, and the other for a R=80 binary
> circle.
> > Calculate upper and lower threshold so that level
> set
> > will grow inside the circle, and shrink otherwise.
> >
> > 3. Set initial radius to be 60, make sure after
> 400
> > iterations, level set converges to the true edge.
> >
> > 4. Set breakpoint in
> > itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h,
> > InitializeIteration() (Line 438), set it break
> only
> > after count >=399
> >
> > 5. After 4, set break point in
> > itkLevelSetFunction.txx, ComputeMeanCurvature()
> (Line
> > 181)
> >
> > 6. Watch ( curvature_term / gd->m_GradMagSqr )
> >
> > Theoretical curvature is: 1/80 = 0.0125
> > I observe a range from (-0.25, +0.5)
> > That's true for both curvatureweight = 1e-6 and 1
> >
> > Now the question is, is that exactly what the
> > algorithm (Sethian Book, pp. 70, eq6.36) should
> behave
> > like, or there is some bug in ITK implementation?
> >
> > I tried to had a look at some related ITK
> calculation,
> > but don't have a clue yet.
> >
> > The algorithm itself has some space for
> calculation
> > errors. Especially, a numerical calculation for
> 2nd
> > order derivative could be away from truth. But
> still,
> > I am not really confident about this.
> >
> >
> > --- Sah Rayman <sahrayman at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> >>I found some "wierd behavior" of the curvature
> >>calculated in SegmentationLevelSetFunction.
> >>
> >>While I expect the curvature to be 0.0125
> >>everywhere,
> >>the actual curvature has a mean of 0.0137 (which
> is
> >>good), but a s.t.d of 0.4. In another words, when
> >>the
> >>tangent circle is actually of radius 80, the
> >>calculation tells me the radius is 2 or 1 at some
> >>edge
> >>points, and even concave in some other points.
> >>
> >>Is it true that there are errors in curvature
> >>calculation in the range of my discription? Or,
> >>there
> >>must be something wrong in my application?
> >>
> >>======================================
> >>Here is what I do in the test.
> >>
> >>Full image is 256x256, ground truth is a circle
> >>whose
> >>radius is 80 pixels, initial is a 60-pixel-radius
> >>circle with a same center.
> >>
> >>I disabled advection, curvature term, and there
> are
> >>only speed term. Speed is +1 inside my ground
> truth,
> >>and -1 otherwise. In fact, curvature weight is
> 1e-6
> >>to
> >>enable the curvature calculation.
> >>
> >>After 180 iterations, I observe the output of
> >>ComputeMeanCurvature() for one iteration, and take
> >>statistics.
> >>
> >>The output segmentation matches well with my
> ground
> >>truth.
> >>======================================
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
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