[Insight-users] cannot find ITKFltkImageViewer

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat, 20 Mar 2004 13:51:53 -0500

Hi Jordan,

Please post your CMakeLists.txt file
and the CMakeCache.txt file that CMake
created in the binary directory where
you are trying to build your application.



a a wrote:
> Hi,
> i was trying to build some examples outside the Insight Applications 
> source tree, and there were times that VC++ can't find 
> ITKFltkImageViewer.lib.  i've alreay included
> FIND_LIBRARY(FltkImageViewer_LIBRARY NAMES FltkImageViewer )
> TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( myProject   ${FltkImageViewer} )
> and when i run CMake, i pointed to the ITKFltkImageViewer.lib inside the 
> Auxilary/FltkImageViewer/Debug directory. i've also added in the ITK, 
> FLTK and VTK libraries etc. in the CMake list  required for my project, 
> but VC++ still couln't find this ITKFltkImageViewer.lib.  Can anyone 
> tell me how to make this work, and in what cases do we need to include 
> this ITKFltkImageViewer.lib file.
> Thanks and regards
> jordan