[Insight-users] Summer School on Medical Image Computing 2004

Daniel Rueckert dr at doc.ic.ac.uk
Tue, 23 Mar 2004 19:23:29 +0000

Summer School on Medical Image Computing 2004

Imperial College London, 19-22 September


Dr Daniel Rueckert, Department of Computing, Imperial College London.
Professor Jo Hajnal, Image Sciences Department, Hammersmith Hospital,
Imperial College London.


The Imaging Sciences Center (ISC) at Imperial College London and the Medical
Imaging and Signals (MIAS) IRC are organizing a summer school on medical
imaging computing. The summer school is designed to introduce young researchers
to the field of  computing applied to medicine, an expanding area in which
significant advances are currently being made.  The summer school will cover
a wide range of topics from image acquisition to image analysis and visualization.
Each topic will be presented by leading international researchers.


The summer school will take place at Imperial College London, South Kensington
Campus. The summer school venue on campus will provide lecture facilities with
computers for each participant as well as accomodation facilities on campus in
easy walking distance.


The summer school will aim to cover a wide range of topics relevant to PhD students
and researchers working in medical image computing. In particular, the summer school
will focus on topics such as:

     * image acquisition
     * image registration
     * image segmentation
     * geometric modelling
     * statistical modelling
     * images and signals
     * brain image analysis
     * cardiac image analysis
     * image-guided interventions
     * programming with the Insight toolkit (ITK)


     * David Atkinson, King’s College London
     * Tim Cootes, University of Manchester
     * Bill Crum, King’s College London
     * Herve Delingette, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
     * Robert Eckersley, Imperial College London
     * Alejandro Frangi, University of Zaragoza
     * Luis Ibáñez, Kitware Inc.
     * David Larkman, Imperial College London
     * Boudewijn Lelieveldt, University of Leiden
     * Wiro Niessen, University of Utrecht
     * Julia Schnabel, King’s College London
     * Krish Singh, Aston University
     * Colin Studholme, University of California at San Francisco

Format of the summer school

The four-day residential summer school will consist of a single track of sessions
on a variety of topics in medical image computing. Each session will include
lectures and practical tutorials as well as special consideration and discussion
of clinical relevance. Generous time will be allowed for practicals, questions
and discussion. The lecture and tutorial material will be made available on a CD
distributed at the meeting as well as on-line on the summer school website.

Registration and fees

The registration fee for the Summer School is £325, and this includes attendance
at the School, a copy of the course notes, meals during each working day and one
evening meal/social event. Accommodation is available in a hall of residence
opposite the Imperial Campus at a cost of £200 for the nights of 18-21 September
2004, including breakfast. The application form can be found on the summerschool
website: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dr/miua/summerschool.html


Deadline for applications to attend             Monday 31 May 2004
Notification of acceptance of applications      Monday 14 June 2004
Summer school                                   19 to 22 September 2004

Queries about Summer School may be sent to:

Dr Daniel Rueckert,
Department of Computing,
Imperial College London,
London SW7 2AZ, UK

or posted by email to:                  D.Rueckert at imperial.ac.uk

The summerschool website is at:         http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dr/miua/summerschool.html

Daniel Rueckert, Ph.D.
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
180 Queens' Gate                         Tel: +44 20 7594 8333
London SW7 2AZ                           Fax: +44 20 7581 8024
mailto:D.Rueckert at imperial.ac.uk         http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dr