[Insight-users] Reagarding reading a 4D volume using itk imageseriesreader

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed May 26 19:36:54 EDT 2004

Hi Sachin,

The ImageSeriesReader should manage your
list of 4D slices in a single pass.

Put all the filenames in order in a single

Then Simply instantiate the reader using
a 4D image like

typedef itk::Image< unsigned char, 4 > ImageType;

typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader< ImageType > ReaderType;

ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();

   mySeriesFileNames->GetFileNamesInASingleVector() )


ImageType::ConstPointer image4D = reader->GetOutput();



Sachin Jambawalikar wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a class derived from itkDicomseriesfilenames
> which has a function GetFileName4D which sorts the filenames and
> groups them based on acquisition time.
> const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &GetFileName4D(const
> std::string &seriesUID, bool recursive =false);
> I wanted to know  how to use itk::ImageseriesReader to read in the 4D volume.
> as its   
>  void SetFileNames (const std::vector<std::string> &name)  
> take only a vector of strings rather than 2D vector of strings.
> I can do it the longer way with passing the names of one group at a
> time and then copying the reader->get_output to a  4D volume.
> is this the only way or is there something better.
> Regards
> --Sachin
> On Tue, 18 May 2004 11:55:49 -0400, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>Hi Sachin,
>>Reading DICOM slices into a single dataset
>>requires the use of two ITK classes:
>>   A) SeriesNamesGenerator
>>   B) ImageSeriesReader
>>The ImagerSeriesReader is N-Dimensional and
>>will not have any difficulty reading your
>>4D data set.
>>The trick will be related to the SeriesNames
>>generator. This filter should create a list
>>of file names *in order* that represent the
>>successive dimensions of your data sets.
>>In your case, this class should generate
>>filenames where all the slices for a
>>certain timestamp are grouped togeheter.
>>Make sure that they are ordered by acquisition
>>time, and then inside the group of each
>>timestamp make sure theat the slices are in
>>spatial order.
>>We don't have such a SeriesNamesGenerator
>>at this point, but you probably can create
>>it with a medium effort by modifying the
>>existing  DICOMSeriesFileNames class
>>BTW we will be happy to include the modified
>>version back in to the toolkit     :-)
>>Please let us know if you need any help in
>>performing such modifications.
>>   Thanks
>>     Luis
>>As a help in the process you may want to look at the
>>application MRIConvert developed by Jolinda Smith. This
>>app has recently been adapted to manage time series.
>>you will find the binaries of this application at
>>  http://lcni.uoregon.edu/~jolinda/MRIConvert
>>Sachin Jambawalikar wrote:
>>>Is it possible to read in 4D dicom series  using the dicom series IO.
>>>Does the dicom reader support  reading 4D data  of a series in a 4D itk  Image .
>>>Can anybody help ??
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