[Insight-users] Creating 3d mesh from image slice set

Langhammer langhammer at lstm.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue Oct 19 05:16:09 EDT 2004

Hi Luis,

after reading and testing some examples from the ITKSoftwareGuide.pdf
i stuck on a general understanding problem of itk.

I can read slice sets of DICOM images for example and use alot of filters
to make the contours inside the 2d slices (ITK:images) more visible.

Now i like to pull out the contours of each slice set to save it in an itk:mesh
vector container and display only the contour polygons above each slice 
image via openGL.
Which itk function i have to use for  the extraction ?
The result of my contour recognition have to look like this: 

If this step is done i like to auto-connect my contour polygons across the 
slice layers
in my itk:mesh.
The result of this part could be a unstructured surface mesh.

The third question i got is how create a surface/volume mesh with itk in 
the way i described above.

Thank you

Stefan Langhammer

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