[Insight-users] Core dump using InsightSNAP

Julien Jomier jjomier at cs.unc.edu
Wed Oct 20 12:36:06 EDT 2004

Hi Vince,

This bug was introduced by mistake in 1.8 and should be now fixed in the
cvs. An easy fix is to uncomment the commented lines in
I've attached the file, you can just replace it in SNAP/Logic/LevelSet/

Let us know if that was the problem,


-----Original Message-----
From: insight-users-bounces at itk.org [mailto:insight-users-bounces at itk.org]
On Behalf Of Vince Hradil
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:26 PM
To: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: [Insight-users] Core dump using InsightSNAP

I'm getting a segmentation fault when I run InsightSNAP.  The core dump
occurs when I push the next button to initialize the roi, after having just
placed the bubbles.  I'm using the the test data: MRIcrop-orig.gipl, but I
get the same core dump with other gipl data sets as well.  Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
OS: SunOS 5.9 (Solaris 9)
Compiler: gcc/g++ 3.3
ITK: 1.8.0
IAPPs: 1.8.0
VTK: 4.2
FLTK: 1.1.4
cmake: 2.0.3
This is the xterm output:
%> InsightSNAP
Computing intensity range:
   0 to 269
Computing intensity range:
   0 to 269
x,y,z=28,56,51; R=8 
x,y,z=53,56,50; R=8 
x,y,z=41,28,51; R=8 
Solving Equation :  = 
  P-W = 1
  P-E = 1
  C-W = 0.2
  C-E = 0
  A-W = -0
  A-E = 0
  L-W = 0
  L-E = 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
These are the last few lines of "truss InsightSNAP"
ioctl(5, (('J'<<8)|5), 0xFFBFD488)              = 0
ioctl(5, (('J'<<8)|5), 0xFFBFD4F0)              = 0
times(0xFFBFD8C0)                               = 139741504
ioctl(5, (('J'<<8)|5), 0xFFBFD5B8)              = 0
ioctl(5, (('J'<<8)|5), 0xFFBFD4F8)              = 0
ioctl(5, (('J'<<8)|5), 0xFFBFD490)              = 0
ioctl(5, (('J'<<8)|5), 0xFFBFD488)              = 0
ioctl(5, (('J'<<8)|5), 0xFFBFD4F0)              = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, 0xFFBFE214)                  = 0
poll(0xFFBFE328, 1, -1)                         = 1
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, 0xFFBFE214)                  = 0
read(3, "0501 I13B18F1C J\0\0\0 @".., 32)       = 32
Solving Equation :  = 
write(1, " S o l v i n g   E q u a".., 23)      = 23
  P-W = 1
write(1, "     P - W   =   1\n", 10)            = 10
  P-E = 1
write(1, "     P - E   =   1\n", 10)            = 10
  C-W = 0.2
write(1, "     C - W   =   0 . 2\n", 12)        = 12
  C-E = 0
write(1, "     C - E   =   0\n", 10)            = 10
  A-W = -0
write(1, "     A - W   =   - 0\n", 11)          = 11
  A-E = 0
write(1, "     A - E   =   0\n", 10)            = 10
  L-W = 0
write(1, "     L - W   =   0\n", 10)            = 10
  L-E = 0
write(1, "     L - E   =   0\n", 10)            = 10
    Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0x00066998
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x0000004C
    Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x0000004C



'   \. o

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Name: SNAPLevelSetDriver.txx
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