[Insight-users] (gdcm lib) MFC .exe doesn

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Wed Oct 27 12:12:58 EDT 2004


	I assume you have compiled gdcm as static lib. Then copy the test, let 
say, 'TestBug' from the gdcm-bin/bin directory to your other machine. 
Execute it on your other machine, if you do it from the command line, 
and dicomV3.dic is not found the exe will let you know. If everything 
works, then it's not a problem in gdcm.

Let me know how things works,

mailing_foxbit wrote:
> dear mathieu,
> it doesn't work
> I tryed with _putenv("GDCM_DICT_PATH=c:\\myapp") but nothing.
> from command line doesn't worlk also
> what can I try?
> tnx
> angelo
> ---------- Initial Header -----------
>>From      : "Mathieu Malaterre" mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
> To          : "mailing_foxbit" mailing_foxbit at libero.it
> Cc          : "mail list" insight-users at itk.org
> Date      : Wed, 27 Oct 2004 10:25:18 -0400
> Subject : Re: [Insight-users] (gdcm lib) MFC .exe doesn't run
>>	GDCM_DICT_PATH is the path that point to the dicomV3.dic dictionary.
>>	Let say your pc #1 has gdcm in: 'c:\dvpt\gdcm\' then your env var is:
>>	Now on your pc #2 you move your exe and the dicomV3.dic to c:\mydicomapp
>>	Then the env var becom on pc #2:
>>Let me know how it works
>>Ps: or again if the exe is started from the command line a printf should 
>>let you know the dict was not found.
>>mailing_foxbit wrote:
>>>hi all,
>>>I written one MFC application software using gdcm library for read header info
>>>from dicom files.
>>>I'm in love for this application. It's very cool (it's like my child)  but when
>>>I want run this application on an other pc it doesn't run.
>>>ok Mathieu Malaterre says I need to set environment variable. this is true.
>>>I verified that if I rename directory "...\Dicts" my mfc application doesn't run
>>>on my pc also.
>>>but... how can I do?
>>>someone can help me?
>>>someone can help my child? (psycological constrain)
>>>Mathieu....   (invocation)
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