[Insight-users] Again for problem about LiverTumorSegmentation among InsightApplication-1.8.0

diaoxianfen diaoxianfen at asisz.com
Thu Oct 28 02:39:40 EDT 2004

Hi Luis,

I run the LiverTumorSegmentation.exe  and Load a 3D image file.The start interface is write.The axial,coronal and saggital slices are right.When I drag the slider to view image slice by slice,the displayed slice is slantwise.I  doubt there is a bug.But I don't know what is it.

I used the MetaImage type 3D image as input,   just like ImageFile.mhd file . The pixel is unsigned char,and is 0 or255. I used the same image file in InsightSNAP.exe. Everything is OK. To describe the problem fairly, I post two result images in the web page of  http://www.mypacs.net  .
The path is as follows,
       Shared Cases > Face and Neck > Normal/Variants > COCHLEAIMAGES

In this directory you will see two images.
      For conveniece, I just cut part of the whole interface and saved as single color bitmap. One is the interface when loaded image file.The other is when I dragged the slider.After the slider being dragged, the display image is distorted .That is what I mean.

Hope you can understand what I want to say.
Thanks a lot

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