[Insight-users] Listing all the ITK classes wrapped for Python

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Aug 10 15:17:59 EDT 2005

Hi Richard,

You can check all the ITK classes that are available from
Python by doing the following in the Python interpreter.

         import InsightToolkit

As you pointed out, not all the advanced registration
funcitonalities are available through the wrapping.

If you have specific clases in mind that are not being
wrapped, please let us know.



Richard Beare wrote:
> Hi,
> I have another, more general, question for you concerning development
> methodologies.
> I was hoping to do a large proportion of the high level development
> using python to make the procedures more accessible to the non
> programmers in the lab (possibly a forlorn hope, but we'll see). It
> appears to me that the more complex registration functionality isn't
> available via python - I couldn't find any sign of 3D initializers,
> and so on. Is this the case, or am I missing something?
> Is there any easy way to find out what is accessible from python
> and/or a relatively simple way to add the missing functionality. I
> have CableSwig installed and working.
> Thanks for any advice.
> On 8/9/05, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>Hi Richard,
>>It is good that you asked, because there is indeed activity
>>going on in the front of Image Orientation.
>>Please look at the Wiki page:
>>   http://www.itk.org/Wiki/Proposals:Orientation
>>and the class
>>    Luis
>>Richard Beare wrote:
>>>I'm in the process of writing code to look through the dictionary
>>>arrays produced by the SeriesReader and GDCM dicom readers to enable
>>>me to insert the orientation tags into the dictionary so that the
>>>analyze file I'm producing has the correct information in it. I just
>>>wanted to check whether there was already anything available to do
>>>this. I couldn't see any sign of it happening in the existing code,
>>>but I could have been looking in the wrong place.
>>>Insight-users mailing list
>>>Insight-users at itk.org

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