[Insight-users] itkCurvatureRegistrationFilter

Martin Urschler martin at urschler.info
Wed Aug 17 13:19:30 EDT 2005


I have detected a strange behaviour when including the 
itkCurvatureRegistrationFilter in my application

I'm working on windows using the msvc 6.0 SP5 compiler. If I simply 
include the header file of the curvature registration filter (after 
defining USE_FFTW of course), a series of compiler errors and warnings 
are produced from the section:

typedef Image<RealTypeDFT,TDeformationField::ImageDimension> 
typedef typename DeformationFieldComponentImageType::Pointer 

in itkCurvatureRegistrationFilter.h

The errors complain about a 0 parameter in the itk::Image template shown 
above, actually the compiler seems to instantiate the template (although 
I'm only including the header!!!) and assumes the parameter 
TDeformationField::ImageDimension to be zero!
As a consequence errors are stated since the itk::ImageBase e.g. tries 
to instantiate a FixedArray with dimension 0 which obviously won't work 
since zero sized arrays are not allowed in base classes.

All errors vanish if I replace TDeformationField::ImageDimension with a 
number larger than 0.

I'm really confused why this happens, since I only include the header 
and there shouldn't be an instantiation of the template class already.

Perhaps anyone can bring some light into this confusing issue?


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