[Insight-users] In / out

Einstein, Daniel R daniel.einstein at pnl.gov
Fri Aug 26 00:25:13 EDT 2005


Terribly sorry. I have read the UG and looked over the tutorials concerning reading and writing to a buffer. My code compiles and runs .... but does nothing. To troubleshoot, I have implemented as fast and naïve threshold filter. Could someone please look this over and tell me what I am doing wrong? 


void myfunction::helloWorldFilter(float *fdata, int xdim, int ydim, int zdim,
                                      int numiter, QApplication *app)

// ***********************************************************************
//          Preliminaries to read the array into an ITK Image class *
// ***********************************************************************
  typedef float PixelType;
  const unsigned int Dimension = 3;
  typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension > ImageType;
  typedef itk::ImportImageFilter< PixelType, Dimension >   ImportFilterType;   
  ImportFilterType::Pointer importer = ImportFilterType::New();        
  ImportFilterType::SizeType  size;
  size[0]  = xdim;  // size along X
  size[1]  = ydim;  // size along Y
  size[2]  = zdim;  // size along Z

  ImportFilterType::IndexType start;

  ImportFilterType::RegionType region;
  region.SetIndex( start );
  region.SetSize(  size  );
  importer->SetRegion( region );
  double origin[ Dimension ];
  origin[0] = 0.0;    // X coordinate 
  origin[1] = 0.0;    // Y coordinate
  origin[2] = 0.0;    // Z coordinate
  importer->SetOrigin( origin );
  double spacing[ Dimension ];
  spacing[0] = 1.0;    // along X direction 
  spacing[1] = 1.0;    // along Y direction
  spacing[2] = 1.0;    // along Z direction
  importer->SetSpacing( spacing );

  const bool importFilterWillDeleteTheInputBuffer = false;
  PixelType * pixeldata = static_cast< PixelType * >( fdata );
  const unsigned int numberOfPixels =  size[0] * size[1] * size[2];
  importer->SetImportPointer( pixeldata, numberOfPixels, 
                                  importFilterWillDeleteTheInputBuffer );

// ****************************************************************
//                      End preliminaries                                *
// ****************************************************************
//                    THRESHOLDING EXAMPLE

typedef itk::ThresholdImageFilter< ImageType >  FilterType;
FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
filter->SetInput( importer->GetOutput() );
filter->ThresholdBelow( 180 );
// **************************************************************
//                          End Filter                                    *
// **************************************************************
// **************************************************************
//                              Write back to array                   *
// **************************************************************
ImageType::PixelContainer * container;
container = filter->GetOutput()->GetPixelContainer();
container->SetContainerManageMemory( false );
fdata = container->GetImportPointer();

Best Regards,
Daniel R Einstein, PhD
Biological Monitoring and Modeling
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
P.O. Box 999; MSIN P7-59
Richland, WA 99352
Tel: 509/ 376-2924
Fax: 509/376-9064
daniel.einstein at pnl.gov

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