[Insight-users] bug in itkHypersphereKernelMeanShiftModeSeeker.h?

Joel Schaerer joel.schaerer at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Dec 1 13:38:29 EST 2005

Hello all,

The templated class HypersphereKernelMeanShiftModeSeeker inheritates
from MeanShiftModeSeekerBase. The member function Evolve() is defined in
itkMeanShiftModeSeekerBase.txx. In
itkHypersphereKernelMeanShiftModeSeeker.h, the function Evolve() is
redeclared, as if the original function was going to be overidden:

  MeasurementVectorType Evolve(MeasurementVectorType instance) ;
("Numerics/Statistics/itkHypersphereKernelMeanShiftModeSeeker.h" line 78)

But there is no redefinition anywhere, which results in a link error
when trying to use Evolve() on the derived class. Commenting out the
line seems to solve the problem. Is there a reason for this?

Also, what's with the comment?
     77   /** Returns the covariance matrix of the target sample data */
     78   MeasurementVectorType Evolve(MeasurementVectorType instance) ;

Maybe I haven't understood the MeanShift algorithm properly, but does it
really return a *covariance matrix*??? I think it would be more proper
to say it returns the corresponding mode of the feature space...

thank you,


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