[Insight-users] Trouble reading mesh from meta-file

Dominique Zosso zosso at tele.ucl.ac.be
Thu Dec 8 18:17:13 EST 2005

Hi Julien,

I still encounter trouble when trying to read the mesh from the file, now. I
try to read "mesh.meta" (in attachment in separate mail) with the code
snippet given below.
The reader crashes with a seg fault in the mittle of execution, no itk
exception being thrown. See console output below.

Normally, the file contains a MeshSpatialObject. However, there seems to be
a problem with some MetaTags? Am I missing something? Are there some errors
in the code below?

Further, assume we COULD read the SpatialObject from the file, we first get
a GroupSpatialObject, is this correct? [at least I read this in the
We can then extract the children of this group via its GetChildren method
and STL-List dereferencing. Now we have a SmartPointer to a SpatialObject.
But how call the GetMesh-method of the initial MeshSpatialObject? I tried to
typecast the SpatialObject-SmartPointer into a
MeshSpatialObject-SmartPointer, but this looks very ugly to me... Is there
another (an more elegant) way to access the GetMesh-method for this
child-Object? In fact, I cannot find any suitable example in the
SoftwareGuide. Those examples are limited to virtual methods only, that are
already known in SpatialObject.

Thank you in advance,


Code snippet:

const unsigned short int Dimension = 3;

// Derive other types from this Base type traits
typedef itk::IndexedTriangleMesh< short int > MeshType;

// typedefs for the mesh reader and writer
typedef itk::Mesh< MeshType::PixelType, Dimension, MeshType::MeshTraits >
typedef itk::MeshSpatialObject< NormalMeshType > MeshSpatialObjectType;
typedef itk::SpatialObject< Dimension > SpatialObjectType;
typedef itk::GroupSpatialObject< Dimension > GroupSpatialObjectType;
typedef itk::SpatialObjectReader< Dimension, NormalMeshType::PixelType,
NormalMeshType::MeshTraits > MeshReaderType;


  std::cout << " Reading input mesh " << argv[1] << " ... " << std::endl;

  MeshReaderType::Pointer meshReader = MeshReaderType::New();
  meshReader->SetFileName( argv[1] );

  catch ( itk::ExceptionObject & err )
    std::cerr << " Could not read input mesh " << argv[1] << std::endl;
    std::cerr << err << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  std::cout << " SpatialObject read, unwrapping... " << std::endl;

  MeshReaderType::SceneType * scene = meshReader->GetScene();
  MeshReaderType::GroupType * group = meshReader->GetGroup();

  std::cout << " #objects : " << scene->GetNumberOfObjects() << " #children
: " << group->GetNumberOfChildren() << std::endl;

  SpatialObjectType::ChildrenListType * children = group->GetChildren();

  // get first element int the children list
  std::cout << " First child : " << (*(children->begin()));

  // very ugly typecast SpatialObject::Pointer -->
  MeshSpatialObjectType::Pointer inputMeshSpatialObject = *
(MeshSpatialObjectType::Pointer *)(&(*(children->begin())));
  NormalMeshType::Pointer inputMesh = inputMeshSpatialObject->GetMesh();

  delete children;

Console output:

 Reading input mesh mesh.meta ...
Skipping unrecognized field NCellData
Skipping unrecognized field CellDataSize
Skipping unrecognized field CellData
Skipping unrecognized field
Skipping unrecognized field
Erreur de segmentation

Dominique Zosso
cand. ing. el. EPFL

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