[Insight-users] Flood FiIll w/ multiple seed points in the sameobject

Miller, James V (Research) millerjv at crd.ge.com
Wed Dec 14 09:51:32 EST 2005

There is a CollidingFronts image filter that may do what you want.
The ConnectedThreshold, ConfidenceConnected, IsolatedConnected, NeighborhoodConnected filters support multiple seeds.  However, it is assumed the multiple seeds are for the same object so the regions will be merged together. The CollidingFronts should keep them separate.  I have never tried this filter, so I am only guessing at to what is should be doing.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: insight-users-bounces+millerjv=crd.ge.com at itk.org on behalf of Ken Urish 
	Sent: Wed 12/14/2005 12:57 AM 
	To: insight-users at itk.org 
	Subject: [Insight-users] Flood FiIll w/ multiple seed points in the sameobject
	I wanted to do a flood fill that would have multiple seed points in the same object. Thus, if an object has two seed points, the regions grow out from each seed point, and as they hit each other they stop at each other's boundaries.
	Is there anything in ITK that does this? ConnectedComponents will not work because I want to have an object divide itself if it has two seed points.
	I appreciate the help

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