[Insight-users] NIH Policy on Enhancing Public Access to Archived Publications Resulting from NIH-Funded Research

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Feb 4 12:11:26 EST 2005

From: Jo Anne Goodnight
Acting Director,
Office of Extramural Programs, OER, NIH, DHHS
NIH SBIR/STTR Program Coordinator

The NIH announced today a new policy designed to accelerate the public's
access to published articles resulting form NIH-funded research.
The Policy becomes effective May 2, 2005.


The NIH Public Access Policy requests NIH-funded investigators to
submit to the NIH National Library of Medicine's (NLM) PubMed Central
(PMC) an electronic version of the author's final manuscript upon
acceptance for publication, resulting from research supported, in whole
or in part, with direct costs from NIH. The author's final manuscript is
defined as the final version accepted for journal publication, and
includes all modifications from the publishing peer review process. The
Policy requests and strongly encourages that authors specify posting of
their final manuscripts for public accessibility as soon as possible
(and within 12 months of the publisher's official date of final
publication). The publication date is the publisher's official date of
final publication.

As noted in the letter, the final policy

its implementation plan,


and other relevant materials are available on the NIH Public Access Web
site, found at http://www.nih.gov/about/publicaccess/index.htm.

Questions: Send and email to PublicAccess at nih.gov


NIH News: http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/feb2005/od-03.htm

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