[Insight-users] WG: VTK Marching Cubes Filters / Iso-surfacing
salah at gris.uni-tuebingen.de
Tue Feb 22 04:40:51 EST 2005
I am trying to post this message to the VTK mailing list since yesterday. The delivery
failed many times. Is the server down? or I have some problem?
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: salah
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Februar 2005 10:33
> An: 'vtkusers at vtk.org'
> Betreff: VTK Marching Cubes Filters / Iso-surfacing filter
> Hello All,
> Perhaps my questions are stupid, but I am not a vtk expert! unfortunately not even a good user :)
> 1. I am wondering if there is a difference between these itk isosurfacing filter? do they all
> generate triangulated surfaces? Do they all implement the traditional MC algorithm?
> vtkMarchingContourFilter, vtkKitwareContourFilter, vtkMarchingCubes, vtkImageMarchingCubes
> 2. Is the filter used in paraview for iso-surfacing (vtkPVKitwareContourFilter) even something different?
> 3. The output of the vtkImageMarchingCubes filter is a vtkPolyData, right? does not this vtkpolydata
> have normals informations?
> 4. I have been using the code segment bellow to generate, visualize, and save iso-surfaces from
> ITK 3d images.
> Now,
> - The surface rendered using this piece of code is properly lit. How could this happen if vertices'
> normals are not there?
> - I tried to load the saved vtkpolydata (the ASCII file generated by vtkPolyDataWriter) using
> paraview. Only a portion of the model is lit fine. Most parts of the model are black!
> By openning this ascii file using a text editor. I saw that normal information is written
> as the last part of the file.
> In short, and if I am missing/misunderstanding something, what is the right sequence to generate, render,
> and save triangulated iso-surfaces using vtk? I need normals for further processing.
> Many thanks,
> Zein
> // =============================== CODE =============================
> // convert to vtk image
> typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter<ImageType> Itk2VtkType;
> Itk2VtkType::Pointer m_Itk2Vtk = Itk2VtkType::New();
> m_Itk2Vtk->SetInput(inputImage); // m_Reader reads a binary image
> m_Itk2Vtk->Update();
> std::cout << "Image converted to VTK...." << std::endl;
> // generate iso surface
> vtkImageMarchingCubes *marcher = vtkImageMarchingCubes::New();
> marcher->SetInput(m_Itk2Vtk->GetOutput());
> marcher->SetValue(0, 100);
> marcher->Update();
> std::cout << "Marching Cube finished...." << std::endl;
> vtkDecimate *decimator = vtkDecimate::New();
> decimator->SetInput(marcher->GetOutput());
> decimator->SetTargetReduction(0.1);
> decimator->SetMaximumIterations(4);
> decimator->SetInitialError(0.01);
> decimator->SetErrorIncrement(0.01);
> decimator->SetPreserveTopology(1);
> decimator->Update();
> vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter* smoother = vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter::New();
> smoother->SetInput(decimator->GetOutput());
> smoother->SetNumberOfIterations(5);
> smoother->SetFeatureAngle(60);
> smoother->SetRelaxationFactor(0.05);
> smoother->FeatureEdgeSmoothingOff();
> std::cout << "VTK Smoothing mesh finished...." << std::endl;
> // Save the mesh in an ASCII file
> char *meshFname = fl_file_chooser("Choose VTK Mesh File", "*.msh*", "d:/datanpr");
> vtkPolyDataWriter *vtkwriter = vtkPolyDataWriter::New();
> vtkwriter->SetFileName(meshFname);
> vtkwriter->SetInput(smoother->GetOutput());
> vtkwriter->SetFileTypeToASCII();
> vtkwriter->Update();
> // render 3D model
> vtkPolyDataMapper* isoMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
> isoMapper->SetInput(marcher->GetOutput());
> isoMapper->ScalarVisibilityOff();
> vtkActor* actor = vtkActor::New();
> actor->SetMapper(isoMapper);
> actor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(1,1,0.9412);
> vtkRenderer* ren = vtkRenderer::New();>
> vtkRenderWindow* renwin = vtkRenderWindow::New();
> vtkRenderWindowInteractor* iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
> renwin->SetSize(500, 500);
> renwin->AddRenderer( ren );
> iren->SetRenderWindow(renwin);
> ren->SetBackground(0.52, 0.57, 1.0);
> ren->AddActor(actor);
> renwin->Render();
> iren->Start();
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