[Insight-users] [newbie] Is there such thing as FindITKAPPS.cmake ?

Eric BOIX eboix at ens-lyon.fr
Wed Feb 23 09:34:25 EST 2005

As indicated by the Wiki (
http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/ITK_Insight_Applications )
at the Installing section:
 "TBC: currently the applications do not install themselves, so running
 `make install` will have no effect."
and hence my question is probably not relevant (well, I'm newbie).
Still (lusers, they never learn :) `make install` does indeed install
partial things, and I was wondering if there was such thing as a
FindITKAPPS.cmake ?
Clearly, I would like to follow the general CMake scheme and write in
my ITK/ITK_Application dependent CMakeLists.txt something like:
in order to express my dependency towards Insight Applications (e.g.
the Auxiliary/VtkFltk/vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor.h include file).
For the time being I need to write kludgy things like:
  FIND_PATH(ITKAPPS_SRC CMakeLists.txt /usr/local/Insight_Applications
      DOC Path where the InsightApplications sources are installed.)
  FIND_PATH(ITKAPPS_BIN Makefile /usr/local/bin
      DOC Path where the InsightApplications sources where compiled.)
and handle things manually at ccmake stage.
Additionaly, the fact that Insight Applications does not (TBC) install
forces to handle both source (for include and templates) and binary
hierachies (if one follows the out of source CMake compile recommandation)...
    Thanks for any advice,
    Eric Boix.
Eric Boix.
LIP (Parallel computing lab)
ENS-Lyon (Engineer school)
France (nobody's prefect :)

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