[Insight-users] [newbie] Is there such thing as FindITKAPPS.cmake ?

Julien Jomier jjomier at cs.unc.edu
Wed Feb 23 12:17:33 EST 2005

Eric, Mathieu,

I've checked in InsightApplications cvs the file 

You should be able to copy it to your project and add something like:

INCLUDE (${MyProject_SOURCE_DIR}/FindInsightApplications.cmake)

It should include everything you need.

Hope that helps,


Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> yo,
>     I posted this question a while ago:
> http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2003-February/002634.html
>     And Julien Jomier kindly send me his CMake script. Unfortunately I 
> did not keep it. So Julien could you (re)post it to the ML ?
> thanks
> Mathieu
> Eric BOIX wrote:
>>         Hi,
>> As indicated by the Wiki (
>> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/ITK_Insight_Applications )
>> at the Installing section:
>>  "TBC: currently the applications do not install themselves, so running
>>  `make install` will have no effect."
>> and hence my question is probably not relevant (well, I'm newbie).
>> Still (lusers, they never learn :) `make install` does indeed install
>> partial things, and I was wondering if there was such thing as a
>> FindITKAPPS.cmake ?
>> Clearly, I would like to follow the general CMake scheme and write in
>> my ITK/ITK_Application dependent CMakeLists.txt something like:
>> in order to express my dependency towards Insight Applications (e.g.
>> the Auxiliary/VtkFltk/vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor.h include file).
>> For the time being I need to write kludgy things like:
>>   FIND_PATH(ITKAPPS_SRC CMakeLists.txt /usr/local/Insight_Applications
>>       DOC Path where the InsightApplications sources are installed.)
>>   FIND_PATH(ITKAPPS_BIN Makefile /usr/local/bin
>>       DOC Path where the InsightApplications sources where compiled.)
>> and handle things manually at ccmake stage.
>> Additionaly, the fact that Insight Applications does not (TBC) install
>> forces to handle both source (for include and templates) and binary
>> hierachies (if one follows the out of source CMake compile 
>> recommandation)...
>>     Thanks for any advice,
>>     Yours,
>>     Eric Boix.
>> ----------------------------
>> Eric Boix.
>> LIP (Parallel computing lab)
>> ENS-Lyon (Engineer school)
>> France (nobody's prefect :)
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