[Insight-users] ITK Registration and VTK Checkerboard of RGB Images

alqatarneh at netscape.net alqatarneh at netscape.net
Thu Feb 24 20:12:24 EST 2005

Hi all,

Can someone help me with this problem... Please!

I am trying to get two RGB images registered then write the output to a file. I would like the written output image to show the two registered images as checkerboard.
Regsitration works, but Checkerboard does not!!!
I also tried to use the vtkimageluminance filter, but I got the same error mentioned below. 

I tried to compile the code below but did not succeed in making VTK read my RGB images that were defined by ITK and then produce checkerboard.

Can you also please tell me if my code is right to get the image written by ITK and viewed and written by VTK?

The error message I got was about the last few lines in the code: Specifically:
reader->SetFileName( argv[1] );
  connector->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );

  reader2->SetFileName( argv[2] );
  connector2->SetInput( reader2->GetOutput() );

Here is the error message:
C:\VTKITK_Tests\RGB_Reg_Checkerboard\RGB_Checker.cxx(332) : error C2664: 'SetInput' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'class itk::Image<class itk::RGBPixel<float>,2> *' to 'const class itk::Image<float,2> *'
        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
And the code is:
--------- START Code----------------
#include "itkImageRegistrationMethod.h"
#include "itkMeanSquaresImageToImageMetric.h"
#include "itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction.h"
#include "itkRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer.h"
#include "itkImage.h"
#include "itkRGBPixel.h"
#include "itkCenteredRigid2DTransform.h"
#include "itkImageFileReader.h"
#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
#include "itkResampleImageFilter.h"
#include "itkCastImageFilter.h"
#include "itkSquaredDifferenceImageFilter.h"
#include "itkCommand.h"
#include "itkAdaptImageFilter.h"
#include "itkRedPixelAccessor.h"
#include "itkGreenPixelAccessor.h"
#include "itkBluePixelAccessor.h"
#include "itkComposeRGBImageFilter.h"
#include "itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h"

//VTK include files
#include "vtkImageViewer.h"
#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
#include "vtkImageCheckerboard.h"
#include <vtkPolyData.h>
#include <vtkImageData.h>

  /////////////// RGB REGISTRATION CODE HERE /////////////
  typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter<ImageType> FilterType;

  FixedImageReaderType::Pointer reader = FixedImageReaderType::New();
  MovingImageReaderType::Pointer reader2 = MovingImageReaderType::New();

  FilterType::Pointer connector = FilterType::New();
  FilterType::Pointer connector2 = FilterType::New();

  vtkImageViewer * viewer = vtkImageViewer::New();
  vtkImageCheckerboard * checker = vtkImageCheckerboard::New();
  vtkRenderWindowInteractor * interactor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();

  reader->SetFileName( argv[1] );
  connector->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );

  reader2->SetFileName( argv[2] );
  connector2->SetInput( reader2->GetOutput() );

  checker->SetInput1( connector->GetOutput() );
  checker->SetInput2( connector2->GetOutput() );

  viewer->SetInput( checker->GetOutput() );
  viewer->SetColorWindow( 256 );
  viewer->SetColorLevel( 128 );
  return 0;
------- END OF CODE -------------

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