[Insight-users] building a metaimage header and convert to Analyse file format

jose santamaria jsantam at ugr.es
Fri Jan 21 04:13:09 EST 2005


  I have downloaded one volume data from brainWeb
with the following info

% BrainWeb download: T1 ICBM normal 3mm pn0 rf20
% Modality=T1, Protocol=ICBM, Phantom_name=normal, Slice_thickness=3mm,
% Noise=0%, INU=20%
% MINC volume info:
% image: signed__ short 0 to 4095
% image dimensions: zspace yspace xspace
%     dimension name         length         step        start
%     --------------         ------         ----        -----
%     zspace                     60            3          -72
%     yspace                    217            1         -126
%     xspace                    181            1          -90

The pixel type is byte (unsigned) and stored as big-endian.

Then, I have make its metaimage header for the raw data file downloaded
with the following lines

% NDims = 3
% DimSize = 181 217 60
% ElementSpacing = 1 1 3
% Position = -90 -126 -72
% ElementByteOrderMSB = True
% ElementType = MET_UCHAR
% HeaderSize = -1
% ElementDataFile = t1_icbm_normal_3mm_pn0_rf20.raw

Have the metaimage header any mistake ?

In the other hand, I need to convert this raw data to
Analyse file format. Which is the correct PixelType
for byte (unsigned) pixel to modify the corresponding
line at the Insight/Examples/IO/ImageReadWrite.cxx file ?



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