[Insight-users] Converting a 2D slice to an image

Tim Soper tim_d_soper at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 31 21:27:23 EST 2005

I am trying to convert a 2D slice to an image, but
only with failed attempts. From what I can make out,
the best way is to use the PasteImageFilter. This
doesn't appear to work because the filter only has one
input, so it appears that the source and destination
must be the same data type. The following does not
work for me:

itk::PasteImageFilter<ImageType> PasteFilterType;
PasteFilterType::Pointer pasteFilter =

Because I have specified that the PasteImageFilter is
to operate on 'images'(3D), my 'slice' of
SliceType(2D) cannot be set as a source. Is there a
way to do this without iterators? Thanks for any


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