[Insight-users] Hemodynamics Project

Nacho Larrabide nacho at lncc.br
Fri Jul 1 08:02:42 EDT 2005

Hi everybody,

             I'm looking for people to work on an Hemodynamics Proyect
             that is going to develop a vtk-based software. I'd like
             to know (from the moderators of this list) if I'm allowed
             to send to this list the specifications of the project
             to informate potential candidates.

             Thank you very much,

             Best regards,

             Nacho Larrabide
Nacho Larrabide
Rua Getulio Vargas 333 - Quitandinha - CEP: 25651-070
Petropolis - RJ - Brasil

Tel: +55 24 2233-6137  - Fax: +55 24 2233-6167

mailto:nacho at lncc.br

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