[Insight-users] DeformableMesh3DFilter Examples?

Joseph Maratt jmaratt at umich.edu
Thu Jul 7 11:50:17 EDT 2005


Does anyone have an example of the DeformableMesh3DFilter i can have  
a look at.  I'm not having much success following the examples that  
come with itk.

I'm trying to use DeformableMesh3DFilter to generate a mesh from CT  
data.  I followed the example DeformableModel2.cxx very closely.  The  
only alterations i made was to allow me to convert the mesh to  
vtkUnstructuredGrid so i could visualize it.

The problem that i'm having is that the mesh that is generated is  
just a flat plane that actually looks very convoluted and has jagged  

I dont think the problem is in how i convert the mesh into vtk  
because i tried the converstion with the output of of sphere mesh  
source and it looked fine.

Has anyone dealt with this problem?  Any help would be greatly  

Image of the problem: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jmaratt/mesh.jpg
Code: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jmaratt/mesh.cpp

Thank you very much in advance.

Joseph Maratt
University of Michigan Medical School
jmaratt at umich.edu
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