[Insight-users] turn on/off a filter in pipeline

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com
Thu Jul 7 15:02:58 EDT 2005

if (on)
logFilter->SetInput( adaptor );
rescaleFilter->SetInput( logFilter->GetOutput()) ;
rescaleFilter->SetInput( adaptor );


Renaud Isabelle wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on building an user interface in Visual C++ in order to 
> display medical images and execute some image processing.
> I would offer the choice to the user to execute some image processing 
> such as logarithmic scaling or not in order to improve visualization 
> of the image. (depending on the quality of the  image displayed)
> Here is my actual pipeline:
>  *adaptor->SetPixelAccessor(acessor);  //*ImageAdaptor
> * adaptor->SetImage(image);*
> ** 
> * logFilter->SetInput( adaptor );  //*LogImageFilter
> * *
> * rescaleFilter->SetInput( logFilter->GetOutput() 
> ); //*RescaleIntensityImageFilter
> * 
>  connector->SetInput( rescaleFilter->GetOutput() 
> ); //*ImageToVTKImageFilter
> ** 
> --> I would make turn on/off log filter () possible if user desires. 
> (by turn on/off a radio button). How could I proceed? Is it a way to 
> make it properly?
> Isabelle
> * *
> *
> * 
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