[Insight-users] Request for help with rigid 3D rotation and translation image registration. (no attachment this time)

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Jul 8 19:11:11 EDT 2005

Hi Greg,

The number in the Transform are clearly wrong.

Note that the MomentsOn() option only makes sense
for Same-Modality images. If your images are of
different modality you may want to stick to the
GeometryOn() option.

Please make sure that you print out the Versor
Rigid Transform as soon as you run the Initializer.

It is quite likely that the adaptor that is connecting
the Transform to an Affine transform may be corrupting
its values.

Please let us know what you find,



Greg Harris wrote:

> Luis,
> I have looked at Insight/Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration8.cxx,
> and the main thing I seem to have overlooked is the use of a
> CenteredTransformInitializer; but when I spliced this behavior in like 
> this:
>            /*
>             *  BEGIN GLITCH:
>             *
>             *  In order to faithfully reproduce 
> Insight/Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration8.cxx
>             *  as to the use of a CenteredTransformInitializer, we had 
> to deprecate the
>             *  SetInitialVersorRigid3DParameters applied to the given 
> affine transform and
>             *  hoist the AssignRigidAffineTransform business up where 
> FixedImage and MovingImage
>             *  are well-defined.
>             */
>            typedef typename 
> MIMRegistrator<TImage,TImage>::VersorRigid3DTransformType 
> VersorRigid3DTransformType;
>            typename VersorRigid3DTransformType::Pointer 
> VersorRigid3DTransform = m_Registrator->GetVersorRigid3DTransform();
>            typedef typename 
> MIMRegistrator<TImage,TImage>::TransformInitializerType 
> TransformInitializerType;
>            typename TransformInitializerType::Pointer initializer = 
> TransformInitializerType::New();
>            //VersorRigid3DTransform->SetIdentity();
>            initializer->SetTransform(   VersorRigid3DTransform );
>            initializer->SetFixedImage(  
> m_Preprocessor->GetOutputFixedImage() );
>            initializer->SetMovingImage( 
> m_Preprocessor->GetOutputMovingImage() );
>            initializer->MomentsOn();
>            initializer->InitializeTransform();
>            /*
>             *  ... replacing this:
>             *
>             *  m_Registrator->SetInitialVersorRigid3DParameters(
>             *           m_TransformAdaptor->GetITKAffineTransform() );
>             */
>            typedef typename 
> MIMRegistrator<TImage,TImage>::AffineTransformType AffineTransformType;
>            const typename AffineTransformType::Pointer 
> GivenAffineTransform = m_TransformAdaptor->GetITKAffineTransform();
>            AssignRigidAffineTransform < double, 3 > ( 
> VersorRigid3DTransform, GivenAffineTransform );
>            m_Registrator->SetInitialVersorRigid3DParameters( 
> VersorRigid3DTransform->GetParameters() );
>            /*
>             * END GLITCH.
>             *
>             *  Lesson:  do not use a VersorRigid3DTransform without a 
> CenteredTransformInitializer.
>             */
> then the result of the InitializeTransform is described by
> Initialized VersorRigid3DTransform's offset:  [2.17714e+09, 2.09183e+09, 
> 2.088e+09]
> and center [-2.07894e+09, 2.31865e+08, -1.09368e+09]
> These numbers are based on CenterOfGravity from itkImageMomentsCalculator
> applied to each image;  even though one image is isotropic and one is 
> anisotropic,
> the numbers are much too big and result in sampling out-of-field.  And 
> the Spacing
> values are not uninitialized:
> Fixed Image Spacing:  [2, 2, 2]
> Moving Image Spacing:  [2, 2, 3]
> Greg Harris
> Iowa Psychiatry Brain Imaging Lab.
> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>> Hi Greg,
>> You may be using a too advanced example for what you need to do.
>> If you only need to solve for a rigid transform it is likely that
>> an example such as
>>           Insight/Examples/ImageRegistration8.cxx
>> may have all the elements that you need, except for the need of
>> replacing the metric for one suitable for Multi-Modality images,
>> such as Mutual Information.
>> We will be happy to take a look at your registration problem,
>> we are currently downloading Brains2 and building it according
>> to the instructions in your Wiki page.
>> Could you please let us know what types of images you are using ?
>>    Thanks
>>       Luis
>> --------------------------------------
>> Greg Harris wrote:
>>> Dear fellow ITK users,
>>> This is my request for help with rigid 3D rotation and translation
>>> image registration of the human brain.
>>> Largely as a result of the ITK manual, section 8.4, including the
>>> statement, "It has been extensively shown that metrics based on
>>> the evaluation of mutual information is the best way to overcome
>>> the difficulties of multi-modality registration,"  I have been laboring
>>> for some months trying to make this happen in our brains2
>>> project setting.
>>> My present best effort, that began by imitating the SimpleApp
>>> framework, can be seen in detail in the brains2 CVS source tree,
>>> where brains2/src/iplProg/MutualRegistration contains C++
>>> source and a test data set in 3D and a plan for testing called
>>> PrincipalDebugTesting.tcl.
>>> The files MIMRegistrator.{h,txx} are where we put together the
>>> registration modules,
>>> #include "itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod.h"
>>> #include "itkVersorRigid3DTransform.h"
>>> #include "itkMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric.h"
>>> #include "itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction.h"
>>> #include "itkVersorRigid3DTransformOptimizer.h"
>>> #include "itkRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter.h"
>>> This illustrates our particular taste in what combination to attempt.
>>> The result has been frustrating.  I don't get the exact fit I want even
>>> when giving it the target transformation as an initial condition; while
>>> the fit is only slightly off when the difference is translation-only,
>>> the cases of a rotation-only difference and a rotation-and-translation
>>> difference seem to find the rotation but not even close as to 
>>> translation.
>>> This application needs to convert between 3D AffineTransforms and
>>> the 6-parameter VersorRigid3D.  Is it possible that converting by
>>> Get-ing and Set-ing the Center, Matrix, and Translation is not the
>>> approved way to convert between transforms, as done in my file
>>> CrossOverAffineSystem.txx?  Could that be distorting my translational
>>> information in proportion to the magnitude of the rotation?  If so,
>>> could you explain what is needed to get Affine and VersorRigid3D
>>> transforms to play together?
>>> I know 3D rigid registration comes up on this discussion list 
>>> repeatedly.
>>> Is there someone knowledgeable who can look over the
>>> code?  If you want to run the test cases, you will need to download
>>> brains2 from psychiatry.uiowa.edu (it's free): 
>>> http://www.psychiatry.uiowa.edu/wiki/index.php?title=BRAINS_GETTING_STARTED#BRAINS_Registration 
>>> will point you to how to get read-only CVS access to the brains2 
>>> projects.
>>> With thanks in advance,
>>> Greg Harris
>>> Iowa Psychiatry Brain Imaging Lab
>>> The University of Iowa
>>> Iowa City, IA 52242 USA
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