[Insight-users] Connected component statistics

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com
Fri Jul 15 10:10:22 EDT 2005

Richard Beare wrote:

>I've found ConnectedComponentImageFilter and
>RelabelConnectedImageFilter, but I haven't been able to find anything
>that returns measures of the connected components -- e.g. area/volume,
>perimeter/surface area, centre of gravity, ellipse moments and minimum
>enclosing rectangles.
You could threshold the labelled image to get each connected component 

If you are using CVS ITK, I had put a method recently :
that computes the minimum axis aligned bounding box of a 3D binary image.

ImageMomentsCalculator can help you with moments, CG etc.

An appropriate class to add methods to compute volume, perimeter, 
surface area etc may be theImageMaskSpatialObject class . You could 
write them and put them back into ITK :)

I don't think ITK has many CAD measurement methods.

>Also, what is the recommended approach for making greyscale measures
>of regions defined by a connected component image?
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