[Insight-users] Problem with ITK ASM

Deepak Roy cdeepakroy at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 7 10:54:51 EST 2005

hello everybody,
I want to use ITK ASM to locate certain structures in an image and i also want to do training with ITK ASM. ITK provides two classes namely: ItkActiveShapeModelCalculator and itkActiveShapeModelGradientMethod.
I have also read the paper "The use of active shape models for locating structures in medical images" by Cootes et al. The two itk filters are driven by the ideas in this paper.
I fed the ItkActiveShapeModelCalculator filter with a test training volume - with images of concentric circles and rectangles of various sizes. The filter doesnt seem to give the output which matches the intuitive results.
Can anyone provide me with the test input data and corresponding test output data for both the ITK ASM filters, so i can clearly understanding what the filters are actually accomplishing function.
Thanks in advance

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