[Insight-users] Partial volume interpolation on MI-based registration

Jonathan Lok-Chuen Lo jlo at robots.ox.ac.uk
Tue Mar 8 13:15:00 EST 2005

Hi all,

I have got a question regarding to mutual information based registration.  I
would like to implement the partial volume interpolation method as described

F. Maes, A. Collignon, D. Vandermeulen, G. Marchal and P. Suetens,
"Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information",
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 16(2), 187-198, 1997

Basically, it performs the interpolation in the joint histgram, rather than
on the image space.  I am just wondering if it is possible to be implemented
using the registration framework of ITK, or if any of you have attempted.

Thank you very much!

With regards,
Jonathan Lo

Jonathan Lok-Chuen Lo

Wolfson Medical Vision Laboratory
Department of Engineering Science 
University of Oxford 
Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PJ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1865 283069
Fax:   +44 (0)1865 283145

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