[Insight-users] Which filter does the 3D volume shrinking?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Mar 30 13:13:40 EST 2005

Hi George,

The filter that does Shrinking is of course the "Shrink" filter :-)


There is a non-threaded version of it too:

If you are doing this for multiresolution Image registraion,
it is more formal to use the ResampleImageFilter according
to the instructions of the ITK Software Guide. The Resample
filter give you a more detailed control of the resampling
parameters, while the shrink filter simply takes integer
factors and samples the input image.



Li, George (NIH/NCI) wrote:

> Hi, Luis and all itk users:
> I am pretty sure that there is a filter that can shrink
> The size of the image volume with a desired, pre-defined
> range. But which one is it? Can anyone help me out here?
> Thanks,
> George
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