[Insight-users] What is this, -1.#IND

Yu Qi felix_china at yahoo.com.cn
Tue May 3 08:09:53 EDT 2005

I use the Viola MI metric in my application, 
but I got the result as follows
0  0,174725  [0,0,0,-1.#IND,-1.#IND,-1.#IND]
1  0,121638  [0,0,-1.#IND,-1.#IND,-1.#IND]
2  0,059466  [0,0,0,-1.#IND,-1.#IND,-1.#IND]
3  0,0921222  [0,0,0,-1.#IND,-1.#IND,-1.#IND]
interation stops at 13th.
my settings are as follows,
max step length= 0,2
min step lenth=0,0001
Number of  spacial samples =80
What is wrong with my settings?

Best Regards!
Yu Qi

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