[Insight-users] VectorConfidenceConnectedImageFilter Bug/Fix?

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Fri May 6 11:18:19 EDT 2005

Hello all.

I can only get VectorConfidenceConnectedImageFilter to work with RGB 
typed images, the following caused me problems:

typedef itk::Image < itk::FixedArray<double, 4>, 2> MyImageType;
typedef itk::VectorConfidenceConnectedImageFilter<MyImageType, 
MaskImageType> ConnectedFilterType;
ConnectedFilterType::Pointer cc = ConnectedFilterType::New();

The compiler would complain about these lines in 

typedef typename NumericTraints<InputPixelType>::RealType InputRealType;
const unsigned int dimension = InputRealType::Dimension;

After check around I discovered the "RealType" is not defined for these 
Fixed array templates, and the it seems like it's not really even 
needed by the VectorConnectedConfidence class, so deleted the 
definition of InputRealType, and change the second line:

const unsigned int dimension = InputPixelType::Dimension;

These seemed to fix the problem I was running into, I have not tested 
this much yet. I could be wrong about this, I was just hacking around 
to get the fix, I don't know what all this class does internally.

The reason that I was trying this was because I am thinking that Hue, 
might be a better classifier for my data, so I wrote a adaptor to add 
it, which caused things to break.


Bradley Lowekamp
Management Systems Designers Contractor for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine
'blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
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