Antw: [Insight-users] original slice overlapped with the segmented ROI -> FLTKImageViewer

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at
Mon May 9 09:52:22 EDT 2005

If you are writing inserting this in your own code, you could easily write a blend functor that derives from BinaryFunctorImageFilter and gives an output aX + (1-a)Y.
(See Code/BasicFilters/itkAddImageFilter.h).

In 3D, you could do this with volume rendering, choosing an appropriate transfer function so you can see both volumes. You could colour map the result for a nice look. (VolView has a filter "MergeVolumes" in the Utility section that should do this for you in 2D and 3D).


Jan Schreiber wrote:

>Hi Yasser Salman, 
>if you are using FLTK, you could try the GLSliceView Class in the
>Auxiliary/FltkImageViewer folder of the ITK Applications. GLSliceView
>displays the slices of a 3D image and also acceps a second image as
>overlay. The overlay is displayed transparently over the first image and
>hence could be what you are looking for in 2D. GLSliceView also displays
>some image information and lets you navigate through the slices. 
>The 3D demand sounds like a VTK problem... (?)
>Best regards, 
>>>>yasser salman <yass71 at> 08.05.2005 22:30:38 >>>
>Hi All., 
>i'm using Confidence connected Region growing filter
>to segment the brain tumor, how i can display the
>original slice overlapped with the segmented ROI, in
>both 2D slices and 3D volume. In both cases i
>displayed only the ROI without original image (or
>volume) also if i need to make this segmented ROI *not
>Filled * i mean just a contour around the boundary of
>segmented area is it possible?
>yasser salman
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