[Insight-users] Bug with fix Mean Image Filter

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Tue May 17 16:58:20 EDT 2005

I was trying to use mean Image Filter with RGBPixel Type. This failed 
because this pixel type did not supported the needed operator. This was 
the line

// get the mean value
it.Set( static_vast<OutputPixelType>(sum / double(neighbothoodSize)) );

RGBPixels do not support the divide by scalars operator. Perhaps 
because this type may have only been designed to used with unsigned 
chars? Any way the fix I coded up was:

// get the mean value
it.Set( static_vast<OutputPixelType>(sum * 

However, that didn't work because NumericTraits<RGBPixel<unsigned 
char>> does not have a ScalarRealType member, like every other numeric 
traits. I actually am using RGBPixelType<double> but I implemented the 
numeric traits my self.


Bradley Lowekamp
Management Systems Designers Contractor for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine
'blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
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