[Insight-users] Import/Export Java images
Stefan Lindenau
stefan.lindenau at gmx.de
Thu May 19 05:59:25 EDT 2005
Hi Sumit,
thank you for the Code Sample. That was exactly what I needed and it is
now working.
sumit shah wrote:
> Hi,
> I've pasted some Java code that I use. It may not compile as is, but
> should give you a head start.
> Here is an example of how to get an itkImageF3 from a stack of
> BufferedImages:
> public itkImageF3 getITK(Stack<BufferedImage> is, double voxsize[]) {
> itkImportImageFilterF3_Pointer importer =
> itkImportImageFilterF3.itkImportImageFilterF3_New();
> itkIndex3 start = new itkIndex3();
> itkSize3 size = new itkSize3();
> itkImageRegion3 region = new itkImageRegion3();
> itkPointD3 origin = new itkPointD3();
> BufferedImage secondToLast = is.elementAt(is.size() - 2), last =
> is.lastElement();
> int x = last.getWidth();
> int y = last.getHeight();
> int z = is.size();
> size.SetElement(0, x);
> size.SetElement(1, y);
> size.SetElement(2, z);
> start.SetElement(0, 0);
> start.SetElement(1, 0);
> start.SetElement(2, 0);
> region.SetSize(size);
> region.SetIndex(start);
> double[] pix = new double[2];
> itkVectorD3 spacing = new itkVectorD3();
> spacing.SetElement(0, voxSize[0]);
> spacing.SetElement(1, voxSize[1]);
> spacing.SetElement(2, voxSize[2]);
> importer.SetSpacing(spacing);
> origin.SetElement(0, 0);
> origin.SetElement(1, 0);
> origin.SetElement(2, 0);
> importer.SetOrigin(origin);
> importer.SetRegion(region);
> buf = SwigExtras.new_FArray(x * y * z);
> float f[] = new float[x*y];
> int i = 0;
> itkProg = 0;
> for(BufferedImage b:is) {
> Raster r = b.getData();
> f = r.getSamples(0, 0, x, y, 0, f);
> for(int j = 0; j < f.length; j++) {
> SwigExtras.FArray_setitem(buf, i, f[i]);
> i++;
> }
> }
> importer.SetImportPointer(buf, x * y * x, false);
> itkProg = 0;
> importer.Update();
> return importer.GetOutput();
> // don't forget to call SwigExtras.delete_FArray(buf); when you are
> done using it!!!
> }
> Here is an example to do an affine transform on an image (tarITK
> variable which is an object of type itkImageF3):
> final itkResampleImageFilterF3F3_Pointer resample =
> itkResampleImageFilterF3F3.itkResampleImageFilterF3F3_New();
> final itkLinearInterpolateImageFunctionF3D_Pointer interpolator =
> itkLinearInterpolateImageFunctionF3D.itkLinearInterpolateImageFunctionF3
> D_New();
> final itkAffineTransform3_Pointer transform =
> itkAffineTransform3.itkAffineTransform3_New();
> final itkArrayD parameters = new itkArrayD(12);
> for(int i = 0; i < fp.length; i++) parameters.SetElement
> (i, fp[i]);
> transform.SetParameters(parameters);
> resample.SetTransform(transform.GetPointer());
> resample.SetInterpolator(interpolator.GetPointer());
> resample.SetInput(tarITK);
> resample.SetSize(tarITK.GetLargestPossibleRegion
> ().GetSize());
> resample.SetOutputOrigin(tarITK.GetOrigin());
> resample.SetOutputSpacing(tarITK.GetSpacing());
> resample.SetDefaultPixelValue(-32768);
> SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
> public void run() {
> tp.setMaximum(100);
> tp.setValue(0);
> }
> }
> );
> class CommandIterationUpdate extends itkJavaCommand {
> public void Execute() {
> updateTask.val = (int)(100*resample.GetProgress());
> SwingUtilities.invokeLater(updateTask);
> }
> }
> CommandIterationUpdate p = new CommandIterationUpdate();
> resample.AddObserver(new itkProgressEvent(), p);
> resample.Update();
> On May 17, 2005, at 2:09 AM, Stefan Lindenau wrote:
>> Hi,
>> currently I am trying to use the ITK with the Java Wrapping. For my
>> applications I need to import/export itk images into Java Images.
>> Although I have found out that there should be a mechanism to
>> import/export itk images to Java images (http://public.kitware.com/
>> pipermail/insight-users/2004-June/008887.html). I did not find out
>> how to use these mechanisms.
>> Do you have any documentation for the Java Wrapping or a starting
>> point?
>> Thank you,
>> Stefan
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