[Insight-users] memory overlapping with vnl_vector !

Devalkeneer Arnaud arnauddebelgique at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 05:30:20 EDT 2005


I have a memory allocation problem when I use
vnl_vector class. The created vector overlaps a array
allocated dynamically. Here are actions of my program

 // allocation of array
 bf.mask_z = new unsigned [NbOfSlices];  
 // For example, NbOfSlices = 88;

 // Then I fill in this array. For example, 
 // bf.mask_z[1] is egal to 120

 // Creation of vnl_vector
 vnl_vector<double> rhs(bf.mask_tot,0.0);
 // bf.mask_tot is an "unsigned" and for exemple is   
 // egal to 102600 (unsigned is coded through 4 bytes 
 // in my system...)

 // then if I test for example bf.mask_z[1], and it is
 // egal to 0, the initialization value of rhs !  
 // Evidently I don't change the values of bf.mask_z 


My question is this one : is there a control memory
mecanism when a vnl_vector is created? I hope that
yes! Also, is there a problem in my program?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

Arnaud Devalkeneer.

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