[Insight-users] Simultaneous 8-bit/16-bit image compatibility

Robert Maroon robertmaroon at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 11:08:04 EDT 2005

Hi Luis,

> The fact that your application may receive 
> 8bits or 16bits is actually a very bad sign.
> It means that your problem has not been
> fully defined.
> There is a reason why mammograms are stored 
> in 16 bits.
> There is a reason why CT Scans are stored 
> in signed shorts.
> There is a reason why PET scans are stored 
> in floats.

Your points are well-taken. However, we're working
with microscopy data from two different single-channel
scanners that differ primarily (for our purposes) by
the bit depth of their output. Our algorithms will
work identically for 8- or 16-bit; we merely wish to
take advantage of the extra bit depth when available.

Thanks as always for the coding suggestions,


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