[Insight-users] ITK-VTK

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com
Fri May 27 14:36:15 EDT 2005

You will find itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter in 
You can get InsightApplications from:
*cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at www.itk.org:/cvsroot/Insight co 

Internally the filter uses the same importer-exporter method ie the 
vtkImageImport and vtkImageExport.


Hxsham Fire wrote:

>I tried to connect the ITK and VTK using the
>"itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h", however that did not
>work because this file was not found.  Moreover, I
>could not find the class itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter in
>the documentation for ITK.  
>I used instead the Importer-Exporter method with
>ConnectPipielines() method... and it works well...
>my question is: was that way of connecting ITK-VTK
>removed and replaced by the set of importers and
>exporters (if that is the case, then maybe the Wiki
>and "GettingStartedII" should be modified)
>Also what is the difference in the two methods...
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