[Insight-users] exception when reading compressed dicom series

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Mon May 30 08:35:19 EDT 2005


	First thing to check: you are sure you are using: 
DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx. Because in ITK there is two DICOM 
reader, DICOM2 that does not handle compress DICOM image, and GDCM which 

	If you know you are using GDCM to read the image, then you are trying 
to read in some scout view DICOM serie. There is another example that 
uses GDCM, it is called: DicomImageReadPrintTags.cxx. It will display 
the information found in the DICOM image. I would suggest you run this 
executable on both 01507224 and 01507224, and look for lines like:

Rows = 512
Columns = 512

	In both case the dimension of the image should be the same (necessary 
condition to build a volume).


jia liang wrote:
> I tried to use ImageSeriesReader to read a dicom series, but getting a 
> exception ex:
> +ex {m_Location={"Unknown"} m_Description={"itk::ERROR: 
> ImageSeriesReader(01FBFE88): Size mismatch! The size of  
> D:\MedImgWork\data\compressDICOM/01507224 is [484, 484, 1] and does not 
> match the required size [512, 512, 1] from file 
> D:\MedImgWork\data\compressDICOM/01513017"} 
> m_What={"d:\medimgwork\itk\insighttoolkit-2.0.1\code\io\itkImageSeriesReader.txx:277:
> itk::ERROR: ImageSeriesReader(01FBFE88): Size mismatch! The size of  
> D:\MedImgWork\data\compressDICOM/01507224 is [484, 484, 1] and does not 
> match the required size [512, 512, 1] from file 
> D:\MedImgWork\data\compressDICOM/01513017"} ...} itk::ExceptionObject &
> I actually use itk\Examples\IO\DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx, it reads 
> some normal dicom series OK, but it seems when i read compressed dicom 
> series, the above problem appears.
> can anyone help me?
> thanks
> Jialiang
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